早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


There is a zoo in our city.My parents often take me there on 46 .I like animals.I have 47 toy animals in my room.In the 48 ,I can see the tigers,elephants,monkeys,pandas,bears,snakes,and many other ___49 .Some animals are friendly,but some are not.Tigers,bears and some snakes are 50 ,that is why they have to stay in 51 .But I do not think it is good for animals to stay in cages(笼子).They should be free.The animals in cages can’t be 52 .I think the most interesting animals in the zoo are the dolphins.I like 53 them swim and jump.They swim so fast and jump so high.They can play with a ball.They can stand up and walk 54 water!They are very 55 to people.If you fall into water and can’t swim,they may come to help you.
  46.A.summer B.month C.weekday D.weekends
  47.A.a lot B.a lots of C.a lot of D.lot of
  48.A.zoo B.park C.bank D.library
  49.A.tigers B.people C.friends D.animals
  50.A.dangerous B.friendly C.interesting D.ugly
  51.A.houses B.buildings C.cages D.ponds(池塘)
  52.A.angry B.happy C.friendly D.boring
  53.A.looking B.seeing C.watching D.hearing
  54.A.in B.at C.with D.on
  55.A.friendly B.interesting C.warm D.cold
1:d on weekednds意思是周末
2:c 考的是a lot of 或者lots of 的用法
3:a 意思是动物园 只有在动物园,才可以看到那么多动物的啦
4:d 意思是除了那些列出来的,还可以看到其他动物
5:a 意思是危险
6:c 句意是她们危险,所以才要呆着笼子里 ,下文也有提到
7:b 上文意思是她们被关在笼子里,不自由,所以她们应该不快乐
8:c 意思是我喜欢看她们游泳和跳,观看表演要用watch 表示看见的动作用look ,如look at you,表示可以看见用see ,比如i can see you.hear意思是听
9:d 在水面上走,在平面上用on
10:a 句子考的是 对.友善这个词组 be friendly to