A: Eric I was robbed (被抢劫) yesterday.
B: What? (46)____
A: When I was going to the ATM I saw a man and a woman.
B: (47)____
A: No. They were looking in a shop window.
B: What happened next?
A: While I was waiting for my money the woman said “Excuse me."
B: (48)____
A: I looked round but she was running away. While I wasn’t looking at the ATM the man took my money away!
B: (49)____
A: The woman was wearing a green coat and the man was wearing black jeans.
B: Well. (50)____
A: No. Anyway I called 110 and told them everything I could.
A. What were they wearing?
B. How did you get your money back?
C. What did you do?
D. Did you get your money back?
E. Were they watching you?
F. The man is tall and thin.
G. Tell me how it happened.
46.G 47.E 48.C 49.A 50.D
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