早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


66.On seeing the dog,the hare started to run _______ .
A.as possible as it could B.quickly as it possible C.as quickly as it could D.quickly as it were
67.had he got to the school gate than the bell rang.
A.No sooner B.Hardly C.Scarcely D.Rarely
68.I am free,I'll go with you to concert.
A.After B.Unless C.If 12).Even if
69.I were not so busy,I ________ be willing to play chess with you.
A.Unless...would B.If...would C.Unless...could D.If...would not
70.The farmer started early he could catch the six o'clock train.
A.so that B.in case C.so as D.in order to