早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Directions:Write an English composition in 120-150words according to the picture and the instructions given below.
Mobile Phones Over Used
    As the picture shows,many people talk over their mobile phones or play with their mobile phones even when they are eating.(描述图画)Such a phenomenon deserves our attention.(高分句型)
    Being addicted to playing with mobile phones is harmful to us.First,if we spend too much time on them,we are likely to ignore the people around us.As a matter of fact,many young people lack the communication skills to develop a pleasant relationship with others.Besides,it is dangerous to play with mobile phones while walking,riding or driving,which is a main cause of road accidents.At the same time,great harm can be caused to our eyesight if we stare at the phone screen all the time.(点明过多玩手机危害)
    It is time to reflect on our behavior.(高分句型)The mobile phone is designed to help us communicate with others conveniently,not to spoil our life.(总结全文)

边长为a的正方形导线框在光滑水平面上以初速度v0进入有界磁场,匀强磁场的宽度L>a,如图所示,则线  2020-04-25 …

(2013•闵行区一模)边长为a的正方形导线框在光滑水平面上以初速度v0进入有界磁场,匀强磁场的宽  2020-05-16 …

如图所示为一个电容器放电的I-t图象,根据图象估算电容器在全部放电过程中释放的电荷量为()A.3.  2020-07-17 …

水平面上存在竖直方向的匀强磁场,磁场的边界是MN,在MN左侧无磁场,如图甲所示.现有一个闭合的金属  2020-07-21 …

如图所示,闭合直角三角形线框,底边长为l,现将它匀速拉过宽度为d的匀强磁场(l>d).若以逆时针方  2020-07-31 …

一个按正弦规律变化的交变电流的i-t图象如图所示.根据图象可以判定()A.交变电流的频率f=0.2H  2020-11-27 …

一个按正弦规律变化的交变电流的i-t图象如图所示.根据图象可以判定A.交变电流的频率f="0.2"H  2020-11-27 …

一个按正弦规律变化的交变电流的i-t图象如图所示.根据图象可以断定()A.交变电流的频率f=0.2H  2020-11-27 …

如图所示的交变电流图象为某一正弦式交变电流更换正值后的i-t图象,求(1)该交变电流的有效值(2)若  2020-12-31 …

用一个8V的直流电源对一个电容器充电,充满之后电容器通过电阻R放电,放电的I-t图象如图所示,则可估  2021-01-13 …