早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
根据要求,写一封英文信函。Mr Fellini decide to accept Angela Goddard's invitation.Write a letter of acceptance of 120-140words . thanking Ms Goddara for her letter ; expressing interest in her suggestions; accepting the invitation to the theratre ; saying the dates are unsuitable and expiainning why suggesting an alternative date.
日期 my dear angela, thanks for you invatation to the theater and i would love to attend there with you. I am interested in that very much. i like that kind of atmosphere in the hall and enjoy the great performance. But, i'm sorry to say that i feel that date is not suitable for me. because i have got an appointment with my client for a big deal of business and it will be not polite to the client if i don't go that day. if it is convinient for you ,would you mind to change the date so that i will be free. next weekend will be perfect to me. I am looking forward your reply. yours, fellini 看看满不满意 O(∩_∩)O~
根据要求,写一封英文信函。MrFellinidecidetoacceptAngelaGoddard' 2020-10-30 …