早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.The city was beautiful.
We spent our vacation there.
2.That is the restaurant.
Iwill meet you there.
3.The town is small.
I grew up there.
4.That is the drawer.
I keep my newpapers there.
5.Monday is the day.
We will come then.
6.7:05 is the time.
My plane arrives then.
7.1960 is the year.
The revolution took place then.
8.Juli is the month.
The weather is usually the hottest then.
1.The city where we spent our vacation was beautiful .2.That is the restaurant where I will meet you .3.The town where I grew up is small .4.That is the drawer where I keep my newpapers.5.Monday is th...