早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



    We’ve all had a bad feeling soon after a hearty lunch.  You can' t stay focused   your en-

  ergy level falls and you wish you possessed a warm blanket so you could curl up under your

  desk for a quick nap. But you have important things to do-like completing that project or

  leading a team meeting in 1ess than an hour.

       You don't have to suffer that fate anymore. I have four foods that will get your focus

   back on track so that you can finish your workday stronger than you started.Keep these prod-

   ucts handy in your office ancl.you'll never suffer from that 2 p. m. mental slog ever again.

   Green Tea

       While coffee is an important afternoon pick-me-up green tea should not be overlooked.

   The uruque combination of the amino acid thiamine(芬氨酸) and caffeine has been shown

   across several studies to improve creativity ability to multitask and reaction time. Try some

   amazing tea recipes to get started.


       Almonds are a great afternoon recharger that research from Purdue University shows will

   also aid in your weight-loss effotts. This is because almonds provide sustained energy: a mix

   of fat fiber and protein.Those elements allow almonds to offer a convenient snack that gives

   you a smooth shot of energy that comes from controlling your blood sugar levels. Plus re-

   search shows that people who regularly eat nuts have as much as a 50 percent reduced risk of

     having a heart attack.

   Greek Yogurt

        Research frrom the University of Missouri shows that protein helps your body into better blood sugar control by stimulating the release of the hormone glucagon(胰高血糖素).  Aim  for a cup that has 20 t0 23 gram.s of protein for your snack.

   Dark Cvhoco/ate

        Despite often being wiewed as a bad dietary food dark chocolate can help fight off that

    urge to take a nap in the middle of the day. While dark chocolate does contain small amounts

    of caffeine its real power comes from phenyl ethylamine(笨基乙胺). Research from Mid-

    dlesex University in London shows that just smelling chocolate can shift brain activity towards greater attention.

 29. The underlined expression "that fate" in Paragraph 2 probably means          .

    A.  staying focused                  B. possessing low energy level

    C. having a slow nap                  D. curling up under your desk

 30. Which of the following statements is true?

    A. White coffee can't help us stay focused in the afternoon.

    B. Eating Almonds regularly can help us lose weight.

    C. Dark Chocolate can help us have a good nap in the afternoon.    .

    D. Having no lunch can help us stay focused in the afternoon.

 31. The passage mainly talks about             .

    A. foods that fight off an afternoon.depression

    B. feelings that we have after we have a delicious lunch

    C. tips that we should follow to keep healthy

    D.things that we can do in our office after a good lunch
