早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


一.根据句意或首字母填出所缺单词1.Here is a list of the exchange s______ names.2.He bought some key rings as ______ of London.3.How many teaching b______ are there in yuor school?4.Hurry up,or you will ______ the bus.5.Many people don't want to live in the city because of the p_____ there.6.Excuse me,can I take your o_____ now?7.A lot of people in _____ countries speak English.8.Amy is in a s_____ of happiness because today is her birthday.9.I think parents set good e_______ to their children.10.You can enjoy a lot of wonderful Chinese p_____ in the museum.二.改写句子1.She saw a lot of smake coming from next door.(划线next door)2.She put out the fire with a blanket.(划线with a blanket)3.She was in hospital for two months.(划线for two months)4.Our teacher is recomending Amy for the Best Sports Player Award.(划线Amy)5.His friend will be away from here for two months.(划线for two months)6.He could not speak Chinese before.(用now代替before改写成肯定句)7.She found a purse on her way home.(用Tom代替she改写句子)8.Take a seat,please.(同义句)9.They are not happy.(否定句)10.It is thirty minutes from my home to the hospital on foot.(同义句) 急、、、、、、、、、、、明天就要交了、、、、、
1.students 2. 3.buildings 4.miss 5.pollution 6.order
7.western 8. 9.examples 9.pictures
1 where did she saw a lot of smoke coming from?
2 How did she put the fire out?
3 How long was she in hospital?
4 who is our teacher recomending for the Best Sports Player Award.
5.How long will his friend be away from here?
6.He can speak Chinese now.
7.Tom found a purse on her way home.
8.Be seated, please.
9.本身就是否定啊.Neither of them is happy应该可以
10.It takes thirty minutes' walk from my home to hospital.