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golden touch(点金术)的故事梗概和读后感
故事梗概:有个很有钱的国王名叫美戴斯,他有一个美丽可爱的女儿——金玛丽. 这个国王十分喜爱金子,并且他也有许多金子,可他并不满足.于是,一个陌生人答应他的我请求.可谁知他最喜爱的女儿——金玛丽变成了一尊金像.这是,他才明白金子不是世界上最宝贵的东西,不然它可就得失去女儿,饿死自己啦.
Plot summary: has a very rich the king called beautiful dace, he has a beautiful and lovely daughter, JinMaLi. The king is very delight in gold, and he also has a lot of gold, but he is not contented. Then, a stranger agreed to his request for me. But who knows his favorite daughter, JinMaLi became a statue of gold. This is, he understand gold is not the most precious thing in the world, or it may have to lose his daughter, starve to death it.
The alchemy of main is about a money first, insatiable king's story. Greek king Midas is like gold, although very rich but still not satisfied, I hope to learn alchemy put all the things into gold. When the wish, the king but even the basic we have breakfast, and finally will also be the most beloved daughter into gold, the emotional changes by the original desire to regret. Story vivid, aizeng clear, the authors use plain popular language tell every read story: don't be too greedy, blindly pursue money lost more things. The real happiness, it is in everyone's side. Only know how to cherish, content, will have a happy and happy!
Plot summary: has a very rich the king called beautiful dace, he has a beautiful and lovely daughter, JinMaLi. The king is very delight in gold, and he also has a lot of gold, but he is not contented. Then, a stranger agreed to his request for me. But who knows his favorite daughter, JinMaLi became a statue of gold. This is, he understand gold is not the most precious thing in the world, or it may have to lose his daughter, starve to death it.
The alchemy of main is about a money first, insatiable king's story. Greek king Midas is like gold, although very rich but still not satisfied, I hope to learn alchemy put all the things into gold. When the wish, the king but even the basic we have breakfast, and finally will also be the most beloved daughter into gold, the emotional changes by the original desire to regret. Story vivid, aizeng clear, the authors use plain popular language tell every read story: don't be too greedy, blindly pursue money lost more things. The real happiness, it is in everyone's side. Only know how to cherish, content, will have a happy and happy!
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