早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


E. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 14分)
Every day on Amelia’s way to work she had to pass a slum (贫民窟). Though she was a social worker (社工), she had never paid much attention to it.
This changed when she met a boy named Jack. Jack knew that she was the head of social services, and was sure she could help.
He reached out his hand to touch her, and said, "Can you help me? I’m looking hard for my dad."
His hands were so cold that Amelia could not help holding them. She said, "What’s up?" "My mom is sick and too weak to get up. Her birthday is coming. I know my father’s coming back would be the best present. We really love him, and need him."
"So what’s his name? What does he do?" Amelia asked.
He said, "I’ve no idea. My mama said he had left us before I was two years old."
Amelia was deeply moved and said, "Take me to your home, son."
He led her to a small house. Looking around, there was nothing in it except for a small bed. A woman was sitting on it and as soon as Amelia saw her, she knew her life was near its end. She said to Amelia, "Please find a home for my son. Please don’t leave him alone in the world."
With tears running from her eyes, Amelia took her hand and said, “I will take care of him and love him as my own son”. In fact, since her husband and she had no children, they had been wanting a child for a long time.
Ever since Amelia took Jack into her home, life is full of joy and laughter. She got the best present in return for her kindness.
99. What was Amelia?
100. Where was she stopped by Jack?
101. Why was Jack looking hard for his Dad?
102. How was Jack’s mother?
103. Jack had no memory of his father, did he?
104. What was the best present for Amelia?
105. What can we learn from the story?
99.Amelia was a social worker.
100.She was stopped by Jack at a slum.
101.It was because his mother's birthday was coming and he wanted his father to come back.That was the best present to his mother.
102.Jack's mother was sick and too weak to get up.
103.No,he didn't.(有记忆就是Yes,没记忆就是No)
104.Her life was full of joy and laughter which was the best present for Amelia.
105.We can learn from the story that we will get happiness in return for our kindness.

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