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The history of English can be traced back to around 500 BC.On the island of Great Britain (Great Britain) the earliest historical records of the language is around 500 BC,Celtic (Celtic).In 55 BC,the Romans invaded Britain,and has been occupied about 500 years,Latin into the region,and became the official language,the status of the Celtic.About A.D.449,living in Denmark and northern Germany three Germanic tribes before the invasion of the fall of the Roman empire to the island of Great Britain.They are respectively anglos (Angles,into the central Jutland peninsula),Saxon people (Saxons,into the south Jutland peninsula) and Jutes (Jutes,invasion of northern Jutland peninsula).In language,they replaced the Celtic was use.The three Germanic tribes dialect with the social development,gradually merged into a new language,namely a Anglo Saxon (Anglo - Saxon),which is then form the basis for English.To 700 AD,people on the island of Great Britain three tribe called Englisc hybrid form of language.By 1000,the country on the island called Englaland.These two words and then translated into English (English) and England or the UK (England) this is English and England history origin of the two words.
The late 8th century,Denmark's National People's Congress,invaded Britain in the North-East area,Denmark,which lasted nearly 300 years,was brought about by the Scandinavian language has a great influence on the development of English.In 1066 AD,the duke of shooting the Norman French,British,and crowned king of England,and established the Norman dynasty,until 1154.During the Norman's dynastic rule,the British,in fact,there are three kinds of language,French is the official language; Latin is religious language,used to read the bible,church,religious activities; English is the underclass in secular language workers.French special status in Britain until the 14th century,courts,schools,court in 1362,1385,1399 to stop the use of French.A bible written in English in 1382,ended the Latin religious language status.At this time English became Britain's national language.So English retains a lot of French words (such as age,air,brush,cry,bourgeoisie) and Latin vocabulary (angel,based,moke,Pope).
In \"the Renaissance\" period (in the 14th century - 16th century),because the people of ancient Greek and Roman culture showed a great interest in study,English and absorbed a large number of ancient society and the European continent culture essence,a huge increase in vocabulary.For example,from the Greek geometry,event,botany; French communists,alloy,surpass; Spanish banana,cocoa,mosquito; Italian violin,piazza.
Rise in the 18th century,Britain's industrial revolution,the colonial scramble to make English along with the development of the empire in the world.Therefore,in and around to absorb a large number of new words.Such as the African zebra,chim - pazee; Cashmere from India,shampoo; From the Chinese tea,litchi; The kangaroo from Australia,boomerang; From the west Indies cannibal,canoe.Due to the development of the British colony and to a large number of overseas immigrants,also from its native English spread to foreign countries (such as BBC English radio station).
Currently outside The UK,speak English as their first language (or mother tongue,Native language) with Ireland (Ireland),The United States (America),Australia (Australia),New Zealand (New Zealand),Guyana (Guyana),Bahamas (The last),Barbados (Barbados),Bermuda (Bermuda),Jamaica (Jamaica),Saint kitts and Nevis (Saint Christopher and Nevis),Trinidad and Tobago,Trinidad and Tobago),(Canada) most people speak English in Canada; Speak English as the official language of countries have Nigeria,Ghana,Kenya,Uganda,Tanzania,Zambia and Zimbabwe,South Africa,Singapore,India,the Philippines and other countries; As a second language with Denmark,Finland,Sweden,Norway,Iceland and other countries.English gradually become a world language,has replaced the French diplomatic status,become today the world's political,economic,science and culture is the most important language.Although english-speaking countries have several listed above,but we still recommend to find a foreign teacher is given priority to with the United States,Canada,UK.
English is also there are regional differences.In Britain,because the original by the Jutland peninsula came to the island of Great Britain anglos Saxon people,jutes settled in different locations,which makes English appears regional differences in the initial period of development.Along with the development of the industry and the city,not only become one of the country's largest city of London,but also absorbed the domestic all area residents,various kinds of tongues mutual confluence,to Oxford and Cambridge as the center of the national culture in the London region becomes the standard variety of British,the language used by radio and television to spread across the country and abroad,the domestic and overseas English language gradually unified.
2.The history of English:English spread and development
Outside the UK,through immigration and political role,such as widening the range of English.At the same time,because of the space distance with local and accept to the objective reasons of English foreign dialect,mainly has the American English,Australian English,South African and Indian English,etc.American English is English the most widely used outside the UK,which is the most important English dialect.In general speaking,American English is the most popular in China at present.
In the 17th century,the British immigrants began in North America colonial activities (now the east coast of the United States).Later,with the increased number of immigrants,in coastal has established the 13 colonies.After independence,the 13 colonies established the United States,and become the original 13 states.Them out of the subordinate relations with Britain,so the immigrants of English became the language of the United States.
Due to the United States and Britain have middle Atlantic apart,affected by the exchange of personnel on both sides,language communication,English gradually produce differences between the two places.American English dialect main points of New England,the mid-atlantic and the south three.New England dialect area as the center of the northeast in Massachusetts.The residents there are the English immigrants,two-thirds of the puritans from amway east Asia,a few come from the north of England,is the pure English in England.The mid-atlantic dialect area centered on Pennsylvania,early on the migration from the north of England,then mostly immigrants from Ireland,Scotland,in addition to the settled in Pennsylvania,but New Jersey and Delaware.Then enter the immigration and Dutch,German,Swedish.
The south dialect area in Virginia for the earliest core area.Immigration from England,about half of them are from southwest England.Later,as the United States across the Appalachian mountains to the west development,advances three dialects areas vary.New England dialect in addition to the around the great lakes south bank,also appeared to Seattle,San Francisco and Salt Lake City as the center of the island in three languages.The mid-atlantic dialect into Ohio,west to the south,the north border,became the biggest dialect area.