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阅读理解 ; 根据短文内容要求完成任务。阅读短文,回答问题。

   When William Thomas decided to rob ( 抢劫 ) a jewellery’s shop he made carefully plan. He watched the shop for some days he found a good place to leave his car he found a really heavy brick and he even made plans for the jewellery immediately so that he wouldn’t be caught.

   On the day of the planned robbery he parked his car on a nearby road and walked around the corner to the jewellery’s shop carrying the brick under his coat.

He looked up and down the road and then when nobody was watching him he took the brick from under is coat and threw it at the window. 

Unluckily William had not checked how strong the glass in the shop window was. The brick hit the window and bounced back off the glass. It hit William on the head and knocked him unconscious (失去知觉) .

  1.Where did th e robbery happen outside or inside the jewellery’s shop?

  2.How many things did William do in preparation for his robbery?

  3.From which part did William plan to go into the shop?

  4.What did he take with on the day of the planned robbery?

  5.Did William rob anything?


1. outside the jewellery’s shop  2. 4.

3. The window 4. a heavy brick. 5. No


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