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When Pat picked up the receiver her face became the only bright spot in that gloomy(阴沉)day.

It was our son David an army helicopter pilot. Three months   36  he had begun a one-year assignment in South Korea. David made an effort to sound   37  but his voice suggested homesickness.

  38   a booming clap of thunder shook the windows only inches  39  the phones Pat and I were using.

“What was that?” David asked “It sounded like a(n)   40   .”

“Just thunder ” Pat said “It’s been raining here all week.”

There were several seconds of   41  . “David ” I asked “Are you still there?”

“I was   42   what Mother said‘Just thunder.’  43   parents do you know what many of the men here  44   most of all? Thunder. We have rain wind snow and some violent storms but it  45  thunders.”

“I wish I were there now to listen with you ” he said softly.

  46  I hung up the phone I got my tape recorder my large umbrella and a wooden chair and   47   out. I sat in the driving rain under my umbrella and   48   half an hour of the finest Mississippi thunder a   49  man could ever want to hear. The next day I mailed the tape to David with a single line: “A(n)  50  gift.”

Three weeks later David called again “Dad ” he said “You won’t  51  what I did last night. I   52  some friends over to my quarters(营房)for a thunder party. When we heard the tape we all   53   the same way. Instant silence followed by a few minutes of   54  . But once we realized we were listening to the sounds of   55  we felt better and enjoyed a great party. I can’t tell you how much that tape meant to me.”

36Aago              Bearlier               Clater              Daway

37Acheerful       Bsatisfied     Creasonable            Dcomfortable

38AGradually     BQuickly       CSuddenly        DUnfortunately

39Ato                  Bby               Cwith                 Dfrom

40Aearthquake        Bexplosion   Ccrash               Daccident

41Acalmness    Bsilence       Claughing          Dtalking

42Afiguring out    Bwondering at  C. thinking about    Dconcentrating on

43AMore than   B. Rather than        CLess than              DOther than

44Amiss             Blove            Chate                 Dworry

45Aalso              Beven           Coften                Dnever

46AAs soon as        BAs far as    CBefore            DUntil

47Acalled           Brushed        Cbroke                     Dknocked

48Awaited                Bheard                Crecorded        Dwatched

49Alonely           Bcurious       Cdetermined    Doptimistic

50Aexpensive   Bvaluable     Cspecial            Dimportant

51Adoubt           Bbelieve       Crecognize              Daccept

52Aaccompanied  Bpersuaded   Csent                     Dinvited

53Acongratulated  Bperformed   Creflected             Dreacted

54Asadness    Banxiety  Cdisappointment             Dappreciation

55Athunder        Brain             Cmusic                     Dhome
