早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


     Today is Saturday. Gina needn't go to school so she wakes up (醒来) at eight o'clock but gets up at eight
fifteen. After she gets up she eats breakfast with her brother John at nine o'clock. At ten o'clock she goes to
the basketball club with her friends. They like playing basketball and they can play it very well.
     At noon Gina has Jiaozi for lunch. It is her favorite food. After lunch Gina listens to her favorite music.
     At two o'clock she plays with her baby brother. His name is Jack. Jack is only ten months old. He is very
lovely. Gina likes to play with him very much. At about four o'clock she reads a book. At six o'clock she eats
dinner with her parents and brothers. After dinner she does her homework. Then her father tells stories(讲故
事) to her and John. At about 9:30 she goes to bed. What a happy day today!
1. What time does Gina get up?
A. At 8:00
B. At 8:25
C. At 8:15
D. At 9:00
2. How many people are in Gina's family?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
3. Gina likes ________.
A. playing with her dog.
B. playing basketball
C. eating eggs
D. telling stories
4. Which one is right?
A. Gina goes to school on Saturday.
B. Gina has Jiaozi for breakfast.
C. Jack is ten months old.
D. Gina isn't happy today.
5. Which is the best title(最佳标题)?
A. Gina's family
B. Gina's day
C. Gina's favorite food
D. Gina's brother
1-5: CCBCB

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