One Christmas Eve Santa landed his sleigh (雪橇) on a house grabbed his bag of toys and slid down the chimney. Once he was inside the house he quickly went to work setting out two toys he had brought for the Reilly twins Erin and Pat.
When he was done Santa noticed a plate of cookies and a glass of milk setting with a note that read: For Santa. Santa sat down in a big chair and soon he had eaten the whole plate of cookies and had drunk the whole glass of milk. As he got up to leave he noticed another plate of fudge (软糖) . Before long Santa had eaten everything on this plate too.
When he finished he grabbed his toy bag and started to climb up out of the chimney. The only problem was he had eaten too much and now he and his bag did not fit in the chimney. Santa went back to the Christmas tree and placed a few more toys under the tree from his bag and again he tried going up the chimney. Again he did not fit. So back he went to the tree and this time he placed every gift in his ba^ under the tree. At last Santa was able to climb up the chimney to the roof.
In the morning when the children came downstairs there were toys everywhere.
1. This story happened ____ .
A. on Thanksgiving Day
B. on April Fool's Day
C. on Christmas Eve
D. on Spring Festival
2. Santa brought____ for the Reilly twins Erin and Pat.
A. two toys
B. a plate of cookies
C. a glass of milk
D. a bag of toys
3. Santa ate____ in Erin and Pat's house.
A. only cookies
B. only milk
C. only fudge
D. some cookies milk and fudge
4. Santa couldn’t climb out of the chimney because____ .
A. he was very tired
B. he was very full
C. he was very hungry
D. he was very afraid
5. According to the passage Santa's bag was ____ when he left.
A. heavy B. full
C. empty D. old
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