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student's life in 50 years
帮忙写下预测一下50年后旳中学生生活与对此生活的看法,不少于100词. 还有1天就报到了. 尽快写出来.谢拉. 好的肯定会加分哟.
I'd like to tell you student's life in 50 years.
First of all, I think students will have much more free time in the future. They will travel on a study tour five times a year. They will make friends with everyone all over the world. Secondly, students will go to school just twice a week, they will learn very important knowledge these two times. Of course, their teachers will all be robots, because robots will treat students very equally. Thirdly, there will be no more exams for students. But they will have to pass a test named "who are you"? They will give out their own answers, if they know who they are, they will pass the test, after that, they will have long holidays. Fourthly, they will go to the Moon in 40 years and to explore it.
I think student's life in 50 years like this is very good to students. They will have more free time to do whatever they like, and teachers are robots, which treat students fairly this is very great, too. If they go to the Moon, they will know more about the universe, this is fabulous.
What do you think student's life in 50 years, tell me about your opinions.

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