早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
英译汉 只求能够体会我心情的人waiting for someone can read me .
Gradually ,i feel the mystery of the life.Something that i`ve tried to avoid often happen in the opposite way. Facing with it , I am just like a tree ,old oak ,prentending wise,giving silience and see the changing at first. but not for this moment. Things you do not struggle to get it rolling in your hand ,they will never do.So,big days always followed by some uneasy times that you`ve tried to escape.Life is really something fabulous,filled up with wonders as well as sentiment and satisfication. About the destiny,i`ve never touch it.i just stay in my bedroom to make it fade away.Great changes is summoning me .they said:"i want to see someone special ".This is my fate ,i think, The blueberry night and 《初恋这件小事》are some so designed manmade stuff.Yeah,the spirit to wait the one you loved and the satisfactory conclusion is worth applausing on.while would you do that? In the last past days,i've been learning how to not trust people.and i am glad i am failed.Sometimes we depended on other people as a mirror ,to define us and tell us who we are.and each reflection makes me like a little myself more.
Gradually ,i feel the mystery of the life.Something that i`ve tried to avoid often happen in the opposite way. Facing with it , I am just like a tree ,old oak ,prentending wise,giving silience and see the changing at first. but not for this moment. Things you do not struggle to get it rolling in your hand ,they will never do.So,big days always followed by some uneasy times that you`ve tried to escape.Life is really something fabulous,filled up with wonders as well as sentiment and satisfication. About the destiny,i`ve never touch it.i just stay in my bedroom to make it fade away.Great changes is summoning me .they said:"i want to see someone special ".This is my fate ,i think, The blueberry night and 《初恋这件小事》are some so designed manmade stuff.Yeah,the spirit to wait the one you loved and the satisfactory conclusion is worth applausing on.while would you do that? In the last past days,i've been learning how to not trust people.and i am glad i am failed.Sometimes we depended on other people as a mirror ,to define us and tell us who we are.and each reflection makes me like a little myself more.
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