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求英语文章《Moon Magic》的译文
The magical full moon of the eighth lunar month constitutes the very soul of the Mid-Autumn-Festival.Under its spell,Chinese lover are drawn irresistibly together in holy matrimony.The Old Man on the Moon–the divine matchmaker-registers their marriages according to his records.
The moon has become an established symbol of love predestined by the Old Man,the God of Marriage.And what the Old Man has put together,let no man rend asunder!Because of its perfectly circular shape,the full moon has also become a symbol of family unity.
The purity of its silvery rays has so instilled confidence in people that it often provides a celestial witness to their vows.
In Chinese literature,Yu Boya,a prominent official,smashed his priceless as sacrifice to his dead friend Zhong Ziqe,the only person who appreciated his music.A year before,they had become sworn brothers before the full moon.
The Mid-Autumn-Festival used to inspire ’’moon appreciation’’ parties.All that was required were mooncakes and fruits and,of course,lanterns for the children.Admirers picnicked and gazed at the full moon,drinking in its magical light.
The great Tang poet laureate,Li Bai –a wine lover-wrote beautiful poetry extolling the moon.He was reputed to have drowned in a lake while trying to embrace the moon’s reflection in the water from a boat.Apparently,he has under the influence of alcohol.More likely,though,it was the magic spell of the mid-autumn full moon.
月亮已经变得被老男人,婚姻的上帝注定的一个爱的确定符号.而且什么老男人已经集合 ,没有让男人分散分裂!因为它的非常圆形形状,月圆也已经变得一个家庭个体的符号.
翻译结果 :在中国文学,Yu Boya,一位显着的官员,粉碎他的无价如对他的死朋友 Zhong Ziqe 来说的牺牲,唯一的感激了他的音乐的人.一年以前,他们在月圆之前变得宣誓兄弟.
秋天中-节日过去一直激发 ''月亮赏识'' 宴会.被需要的全部是 mooncakes 和水果和,当然,孩子的灯笼.钦佩者 picnicked 而且注视了月圆,在它的不可思议光中喝.
棒的唐诗人得奖人,李 Bai-一个喜爱酒的人-写了颂杨月亮的美丽的诗.当尝试的时候,他是名誉好的已经在一个湖中淹死在来自一艘船的水中接受月亮的反映.显然地,他在酒精的影响力之下有.比较或许,虽然,它是秋天中月圆的魔术符咒.