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IOF 智能油田
As petrotechnical professionals,we can all sense the potential value of an IOF approach — it is technically sound and reflects our collective experiences.That said,the obvious question remains — why the apparent slow uptake?Part of this perception is related to the high expectations for the IOF.Once defined and theorized,impatience has grown even in the midst of the significant work that continues to occur in older fields.It is now commonplace to find Programmed Logic Controllers (PLCs) and Remote Terminal Units (RTU) in the brownest of fields — a small signal that the IOF is reaching more than just the high-profile locales of deepwater.Other reasons can be traced to generically slow uptakes of many technology-led approaches even though the IOF relies on as much people and process changes as it does on technology.But the foundation of the slower-than-desired deployment is the large need for integration between the five components (refer back to Figure 1).This integration crosses many organizational and departmental boundaries,demands a reflection of current governance structures and distributes the benefits and costs over many different groups of users and administrators.In an atmosphere of dreadfully low prices or extremely high ones,these issues have not carried the same gravity as the other issues of the day.
IOF 智能油田
As petrotechnical professionals,we can all sense the potential value of an IOF approach — it is technically sound and reflects our collective experiences.That said,the obvious question remains — why the apparent slow uptake?Part of this perception is related to the high expectations for the IOF.Once defined and theorized,impatience has grown even in the midst of the significant work that continues to occur in older fields.It is now commonplace to find Programmed Logic Controllers (PLCs) and Remote Terminal Units (RTU) in the brownest of fields — a small signal that the IOF is reaching more than just the high-profile locales of deepwater.Other reasons can be traced to generically slow uptakes of many technology-led approaches even though the IOF relies on as much people and process changes as it does on technology.But the foundation of the slower-than-desired deployment is the large need for integration between the five components (refer back to Figure 1).This integration crosses many organizational and departmental boundaries,demands a reflection of current governance structures and distributes the benefits and costs over many different groups of users and administrators.In an atmosphere of dreadfully low prices or extremely high ones,these issues have not carried the same gravity as the other issues of the day.
作为石油技术专业人士,我们都可以感受到智能油田方式的潜在价值,它不仅技术上可行,还反映了我们共同的经历.不过仍有明显的问题存在,那就是说为什么摄取缓慢?这部分知觉和对智能油田的高期望有关.一旦界定和理论化,即使在重要的工作当中也会渐渐地变得不耐烦,就像在老油田持续出现的问题一样.现在是司空见惯找到可编程逻辑控制器( PLC中)及远程终端单元( RTU中)在最褐色的领域-一个小信号,即智能油田是不仅仅是高知名度背景的深水港.其他原因,可以追溯到一般缓慢吸收的许多技术为主导的做法,即使智能油田依靠人民和工艺技术上的变化.,是需要大量的整合之间的5个组成部分(指回到图1 ) .这种一体化跨越了许多组织和部门间的界限,要求反映目前的治理结构和分配利益和成本的,许多不同类别的用户和管理员.在惊人低价或非常高价的氛围中,这些问题并没有当今其他问题那么重要.
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