早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



Good news: stress brought on by day-to-day events can actually help your health and may even extend your life. Skeptical? So were we—recent studies have linked short-term stress to a reduced risk of a wide variety of diseases including cancer.

The results seem incredible: after all don’t we usually hear that high blood pressure and heart attacks are often brought on by stress? For people with constantly stressful jobs or difficult family situations that is indeed the case. But incidents of short-term stress that are quickly resolved have the opposite effect inspiring the body to quickly repair itself.

Periodic bursts of stress won’t just help you recover more quickly from illnesses. It stands to reason that it would slow down aging.

So how can you make sure that you're enduring the right sort of stress? Here are the tips:

1. Keep track of your stress level on a 1–10 scale each day.

If it comes in at 5 or higher for two straight days make some time to take part in relaxing activities that you enjoy.

2. Have an adventure.

New and exciting activities can stimulate short bursts of stress which will have a positive effect on your body.

3. Create a "What-I've-done" list.

Make sure that you remind yourself of your accomplishments regularly to lighten your mood.

4. Try new sensations.

Try the spiciest dish that you can handle and it's a great way to kick-start your immune system into overdrive.

5. __________________.

You don't need to run a marathon to see the effects—any exercise that makes you sweat will give you the stress you need to fix the damage in your body.

1. What is the traditional view about stress? Please answer within 15 words.


2. Please fill in the blank following No.5 with proper words. Please answer within 5 words.    ____________________________________________________________________________

3. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? 

   Stress with regular outbreaks will mean more than helping your sickness recover sooner.    ____________________________________________________________________________

4. Please translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.  


5. Please add one more tip to the list and explain it briefly. Please answer within 30 words.



1. Stress is harmful to our health.

2. Exercises/ Sports/ Take more exercises/ Take proper exercises

3. Periodic bursts of stress won’t just help you recover more quickly from illnesses.

<4. 对于那些从事有持续压力的工作的人,或家庭不和谐的人来说,情况确实如此。

5. Answers may vary.

作业帮用户 2017-05-26 举报


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