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Outside the euro area,banks’ pre-tax profits improved last year but remained
generally below pre-crisis averages.Interest rate margins did not contribute as
much as in previous years.They remained mostly flat globally,and in some cases
even declined (eg in the United States).Instead,lower credit-related costs were the
main factor at work.Loan loss provisions have been declining in most countries,
reflecting the economic recovery and progress in loss recognition.
In the euro area,the picture was quite different.Profits remained lacklustre.
Sovereign debt strains continued to affect asset quality,and a stagnating economy
compressed revenues.Banks are stepping up their effort to deal with impaired
balance sheets ahead of the ECB’s asset quality review later this year,as witnessed
by the recent spike in the write-off rate.
Recent developments in the Chinese banking sector illustrate the benefits of
retaining earnings as a buffer against losses.As economic growth in China
weakened,borrowers in the country came under financial strain and the volume of
impaired loans ballooned.By drawing on their reserves,however,the five largest
Chinese banks were able in 2013 to absorb credit losses twice as large as a year
earlier,post strong profits and maintain high capital ratios.
Investment banking activity produced mixed results.Revenues from merger
and acquisition advisory business and securities underwriting strengthened,aided
by very robust corporate debt issuance.By contrast,secondary market trading of
fixed income products and commodities weakened,dragging down related revenues
and,alongside a tougher supervisory stance,leading several large capital market
players to trim their trading activity.Legal risk also played a role.Intensifying official
probes into market benchmark manipulation have resulted in very large fines in
recent years.
在欧洲以外的地区,银行的税前利润比去年提高了,但是大体上还是维持在经济危机平均水平以下.前一年的利率的差额没有造成多大影响.全球仍保持平稳的水平,在有些地区甚至还是下降了(比如美国).相反,低的信贷相关的成本是最主要的 原因.
