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I had been playing hockey(冰球)for about 10 years. I was always the one sitting at the end of the bench and   36   got into a game. I went to all the   37   and showed up even when it was so   38   that your ‘breath froze’ and when the otherplayers had decided to stay home. I felt I had   39   enough and thought of quitting.
I finally decided to   40   the news to my mom that I was leaving the team. My mom may have looked like a tiny and quiet lady but on   41   my words she said “Remember ‘A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.’ Your mother didn’t raise   42     so think about yourself in a   43   way and see yourself as a winner!” So I worked harder than ever at getting in better shape   44   my shot(投球) accuracy and changing my   45   . 
Once in a match we    46   our first game badly. What’s worse one of our best players got hurt. I was sitting at my   47   place  at the end of the bench  when the coach came over and told me I was going   48   . I was nervous excited and terrified all at the same time.
The opposing team was fast and I had to admit I was a little   49   .  But my mom’s words   50   out in my head like a church bell. Instead of being afraid I was “pumped” and I very quickly found that all my   51   work was paying off.  I was as fast a skater as anyone else on the ice and I seemed to get the    52   to score. The crowd went quiet.  All the time I spent on the ice when everyone had gone home had   53   me for this moment.
Won! I won!
The lesson I learned from my mom’s   54    has stayed with me over the years. I hear them whenever I am faced with a challenge or whenever I   55   myself.  
A.once B.seldom C.usually D.evenB
A.meetings B.shows C.matches D.practices
A.cloudy B.wet C.cold D.windy
A.suffered B.explained C.planned D.escaped
A.write B.break C.read D.speak
A.noticing B.gathering C.hearing D.analyzing
A.talkers B.dreamers C.attackers D.losers
A.positive B.familiar C.brief D.convenient
A.testing B.improving C.questioning D.affecting
A.aim B.taste C.habit D.attitude
A.lost B.controlled C.practiced D.continued
A.usual B.safe C.secret D.private
A.off B.in C.by D.up
A.annoyed B.awkward C.scared D.bitter
A.put B.rang C.gave D. stood
A.exact B.extra C.creative D.casual
A.chance B.message C.order D.note
A.spared B.requested C.prepared D.sent
A.actions B.reasons C.words D.promises
A.judge B.express C.comfort D.doubt
分 析:
文章介绍作者在冰球队总是不受重用,曾一度想要放弃,但是妈妈的话给了他鼓励,从此更加努力,并最终得到机会,为自己赢得成功。小题1:考查副词:A. once一旦,B. seldom很少,C. usually通常,D. even甚至,从前面的句子:I was always the one sitting at the end of the bench 可知作者总是坐在长凳上,很少参加比赛,选B小题2:考查名词:A. meetings会议,B. shows展示,C. matches比赛,D. practices练习,句意:每次训练我都会去,选D小题3:考查形容词:A. cloudy多云的,B. wet潮湿的,C. cold冷的,D. windy有风的,从后面的句子:your ‘breath froze’, when the other players had decided to stay home.可知在呼吸都能结冰的寒冷的天气,其他球员都决定呆在家里的时候,我也能出现在球场,选C小题4:考查动词:A. suffered遭受,痛苦,B. explained解释,C. planned计划,D. escaped逃离,句意:我感到自己受够了,决定放弃,选A小题5:考查动词:A. write写,B. break打破,C. read阅读,D. speak说话,这里的break the news to sb“把消息透露给某人”,句意:我决定把要放弃的消息告诉妈妈,选B小题6:考查动词: A. noticing注意到,B. gathering聚集,C. hearing听见,D. analyzing分析,句意:妈妈一听见我说的话,就说:放弃的人永远不会赢,赢家永远不会放弃,选C小题7:考查名词:A. talkers说话者,B. dreamers梦想者,C. attackers袭击者,D. losers失败者,从后面的句子:see yourself as a winner!”可知妈妈说她不会养育一个失败者,选D小题8:考查形容词:A. positive积极的,B. familiar熟悉的,C. brief简单的,D. convenient方便的,从后面的句子:see yourself as a winner!” 可知是要以积极的心态思考自己,把自己看成是赢家,选A小题9:考查动词:A. testing测试,检测,B. improving提高,C. questioning问题,D. affecting影响,感染,从前面的句子:So I worked harder than ever at getting in better shape 我开始形体训练,所以后面是提高投篮的准确率,选B小题10:考查名词:A. aim目的,目标,B. taste品味,C. habit习惯,D. attitude态度,从前面看作者曾一度想放弃,现在的做法是改变了态度,选D小题11:考查动词:A. lost失去,B. controlled控制,C. practiced练习,D. continued继续,从后面的句子:What’s worse one of our best players got hurt.可知是一次比赛中输了第一场,选A 小题12:考查形容词:A. usual通常的,B. safe安全的,C. secret秘密的,D. private私人的,前面说:I was always the one sitting at the end of the bench 可知是坐在平常的位置上,选A小题13:考查介词:A. off离开,B. in在…里面,C. by通过,D. up向上,从后面的句子:I was nervous excited and terrified all at the same time.可知句意:教练过来对我说我要参加比赛,选B小题14:考查形容词:A. annoyed恼火的,生气的,B. awkward令人尴尬的,C. scared害怕,D. bitter痛苦的,从前面的句子:The opposing team was fast和Instead of being afraid 可知作者当时有点害怕,选C小题15:考查动词:A. put放置,B. rang响起,C. gave给,D.     stood站立,因为是like a church bell. 可知妈妈的话象教堂的钟一样想起,选B小题16:考查形容词:A. exact确切的,B. extra额外的,C. creative有创造力的,D. casual随意的,前面提到So I worked harder than ever at getting in better shape ,可知作者额外的工作都有了回报,选B小题17:考查名词:A. chance机会,B. message信息,C. order命令,顺序,D. note通知,便条,钞票,句意:我好像有机会进球了,选A小题18:考查动词: A. spared空出,腾出,B. requested要求,C. prepared准备,D. sent派,送,prepare sb for sth“使某人做好… 的准备”,我前面付出的努力都是为这个时刻做的准备,选C小题19:考查名词:A. actions行为,行动,B. reasons原因,C. words话语,单词,D. promises许诺,答应,句意:我从妈妈的话语里面懂得的道理跟随了我很多年,选C小题20:考查动词:A. judge判断,B. express表达,C. comfort安慰,D. doubt怀疑, 从前面的句子:I hear them whenever I am faced with a challenge 可知每当遇到挑战或是怀疑自己的时候,都会想起妈妈的话,选D