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     There was once a young ballerina (芭蕾舞演员) who had taken ballet lessons all through her childhood.
She wanted to be a leading ballet dancer but she won't to be    1   about this.
     When a ballet company came to town she went backstage after the    2    and spoke to the ballet master
"I want to be a great ballet dancer but I don't know if I have the    3   at all." The master said "   4    for me."
After a minute or two he shook his head and said "No no no you don't have what takes to be a    5    
     The young woman went home    6  . She threw the ballet slippers into the closet and never wore them
again.    7    she got married and had children. When the kids were    8    enough she took a part-time job    9    
a cashier at a corner shop. 
       10   later the same ballet company came to town. She   11   the performance and on the way out she   12   
the same old ballet master who was then in his eighties. She   13   him that they had spoken before. She   14   
him photos of her children and told him about the corner shop job that she was doing now. And then she
asked "There is just one thing that really   15   me for many years.   16   could you tell me that I don't have what
it takes to be a great ballerina?"
     "Oh I   17   looked at you when you danced. That's what I told all of them who   18   to me " he said. "But...
but that's unforgivable! You have   19   my life; I could have been a great ballet dancer!" she cried. "No no...
I don't think so. If you have what it takes you wouldn't have paid any   20   to what I said " the old ballet master
     Well whose fault is it anyway?
(     )1. A. careful    
(     )2. A. performance
(     )3. A. choice     
(     )4. A. Work       
(     )5. A. great      
(     )6. A. puzzled    
(     )7. A. However    
(     )8. A. clever     
(     )9. A. like       
(     )10. A. Years     
(     )11. A. played    
(     )12. A. ran into  
(     )13. A. promised  
(     )14. A. awarded   
(     )15. A. interested
(     )16. A. How       
(     )17. A. secretly  
(     )18. A. contributed
(     )19. A. ruined    
(     )20. A. money     
B. sorry         
B. discussion    
B. freedom       
B. Prepare       
B. serious       
B. excited       
B. Therefore     
B. old           
B. with          
B. Months        
B. canceled      
B. quarreled with  
B. advised       
B. showed        
B. encouraged    
B. Why           
B. immediately   
B. came          
B. improved      
B. effort        
C. anxious    
C. lesson     
C. talent     
C. Wait       
C. beautiful  
C. hungry     
C. Instead    
C. lovely     
C. for        
C. Weeks      
C. hated      
C. believed in
C. reminded   
C. sold       
C. frightened 
C. When       
C. hardly     
C. replied    
C. experienced     
C. visit             
D. sure        
D. crowd       
D. chance      
D. Dance       
D. patient     
D. heartbroken 
D. Otherwise   
D. dependent   
D. as          
D. Days        
D. attended    
D. glared at   
D. cheated     
D. mailed                    
D. bothered    
D. Where       
D. proudly     
D. wrote       
D. controlled  
D. attention   
1-5: D A C D A 6-10: D C B D A 11-15: D A C B D 16-20: A C B A D

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