早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A long time ago,a brave warrior was killed in battle.The gods sent a messenger to guide the warrior to the gates of Heaven .In Heaven all the people looked happy,content and well fed.But the warrior could not find any of his friends,so he asked the messenger where they might be.The messenger said that they might be in the underworld.The warrior asked the messenger to lead him there,and they set off together.When they arrived in the Underworld,the warrior found his friends,but they looked very thin and sad.They were quarreling,and even hitting each other.There were pieces of food all over the floor.It really was a terrible scene.The warrior looked more closely to see what was causing all the trouble.He saw that all the people were trying to eat with chopsticks that were two meters long.The tabie was very long and very wide,so they needed long chopsticks.But when picked up the food,they could not get it into their mouths.The warrior asked the messenger to take him back to Heaven.He wanted to see what made Heaven different from the Underworld.When he looked at thepeople in Heaven,the difference was easy to see.These people were also using two-meter chopsticks,but they were feeding each other instead of trying to feed themselves.There was not a sad face among them.
A long time ago,a brave warrior was killed in battle.The gods sent a messenger to guide the warrior to the gates of Heaven .In Heaven all the people looked happy,content and well fed.But the warrior could not find any of his friends,so he asked the messenger where they might be.The messenger said that they might be in the underworld.The warrior asked the messenger to lead him there,and they set off together.When they arrived in the Underworld,the warrior found his friends,but they looked very thin and sad.They were quarreling,and even hitting each other.There were pieces of food all over the floor.It really was a terrible scene.The warrior looked more closely to see what was causing all the trouble.He saw that all the people were trying to eat with chopsticks that were two meters long.The tabie was very long and very wide,so they needed long chopsticks.But when picked up the food,they could not get it into their mouths.The warrior asked the messenger to take him back to Heaven.He wanted to see what made Heaven different from the Underworld.When he looked at thepeople in Heaven,the difference was easy to see.These people were also using two-meter chopsticks,but they were feeding each other instead of trying to feed themselves.There was not a sad face among them.
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