早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


10.My father is going to the Great Wall. (提问)
11.He is coming back next week. (提问)
12.I would like to see the Terra Cotta Warriors. (同义句)
I____ ______ see the Terra Cotta Warriors.
13. I think I am going to have a fun trip.(否定句)
14.It's near Xi'an.(同义句)
It‘s____ _____ ____Xi’an.
15.We hope that we can visit Beijing.(同义)
We hope _____ _____ Beijing.
16.He decided to buy a new house.(同义)
He decided ____ ____ a new house.
17.To work in a hospital is interesting.(同义句)
_____ _____ interesting ____ work in a hospital.
18.There are many people there. They speak French.(合为一句话)
There are many people there _______ _______ French.
19.Don't gorget to close the door when you leave the house.(同义)
_________ _________ close the door when you leave the house.
1.Alice likes ___ (read) books.
2.They want ____ (cook) real English food.
3.Let me ___ (help) you ____ (open) the window.
4.The girls like dancing very much. They practice ______ (dance) every day.
5.Could you please _______ (not play) computer games?
6.The Greens enjoy _______ (live) in China.
7.She finished _______ (write) a letter.
8.Mike plans ______ (have) an interesting vacation.
9.It’s noon. The children _______ (have) their lunch.
10.Germany is a country in _______ (European).
11.It is only twenty minutes’ ______(ride).
12.There are many ____ (tour) visiting the town every summer.
13. ______ (swim) is the best sport in summer.
14. We decided _______ (go) for a field trip.
15. Are you _______(go) _______ (hike) this Sunday?
1. are, going, to, grow up, be, what, when, you, you
2. I’m, get, going to, good, grades
3. some, said, they, readers, are going to, more, eat, vegetables.
4. Wang Lin, writes articles, is going to, send, and, them, to, and, magazines, newspapers
5. want, they, to, to, move, places, interesting, and, things, new, see
6. take, out, could, please, you, trash, the
7. are, I, and, parents, my, going, tomorrow, vacation, on
8. I, please, movies, go, could, to, the
9. you, often, the, clean, room, do
10. but, have , you , to , your , finish , first , homework
10.Is my father going to the Great Wall?11.Is he coming back next week?12.I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriors.13.I don't think I am going to have a fun trip

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