早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


①A bad thing never dies.
②A close mouth catches no flies.
③A faithful friend is hard to find.
④A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
①What is the difference between here and there?
②What are the strongest days of the week?
③Why did the man put wheels on his rocking chair?
④Why is the letter "R" like Christmas?
⑤What time of day was Adam born?
①A bad thing never dies.
②A close mouth catches no flies.
[谚]嘴唇闭紧,苍蝇难进; 口紧不招祸; 祸从口出.
③A faithful friend is hard to find.
④A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
①What is the difference between here and there?
The letter “t”.( there 去掉“t”,跟 here 这个字就没什么两样.)
②What are the strongest days of the week?
Saturday and Sunday --- all the other days are weak (week) days.
( weak与 week的发音一样.而美国人的工作天只有五天,即从 Monday到 Friday ,这五天是他们的week days.)
③Why did the man put wheels on his rocking chair?
Because he wanted to rock and roll.( to rock and roll是跳摇滚舞.但在这儿,摇rock 的是rocking chair,滚 roll的是 wheels.这就造成了一句双关的趣味.)
④Why is the letter "R" like Christmas?
Because it comes at the end of December.
(对这句话而言,答案的意思是R这个字母正好排在December的末尾.除此以外,答案还有一个意思,Christmas在the end of December的时候到来.换言之,答案也造成了一句双关的趣味.)
⑤What time of day was Adam born?
Just before Eve.( Eve 是一语双关,一是解“晚间”,一是解“夏娃”.)