早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Napoleon as a character in Tolstoy's War and Peace is more than once described as having"fat
little hands". Nor does he"sit well or firmly on the horse". He is said to be"undersized" with"short
legs"and a"round stomach". The issue here is not the accuracy of Tolstoy's description-it seems not
that far off from historical accounts-but his choice of facts:other things that could be said of the man
are not said. We are meant to understand the difference of a warring commander in the body of a fat
littleFrenchman. Tolstoy's Napoleon could be any man wandering in the streets and putting a little of
powdered tobacco up his nose-and that is the point.
It is a way the novelist uses to show the moral nature of acharacter.And it turns out that as Tolstoy
has it Napoleon is acrazy man. In a scene in Book Three of War and Peace the war shaving reached
the critical year of 1812 Napoleon receives arepresentative from the Tsar(沙皇) who bas come with
peaceterms. Napoleon is very angry:doesn't he have more army?He notthe Tsar is the one to make
the terms. He will destroy all of Europeif his army is stopped. "Thhat is what you will have gained by
engaging me in the war!" he shouts. And then Tolstoy writes Napoleon"walked silently several times
up and down the room hisfat shoulders moving quickly".
Still later after reviewing his army amid cheering crowds Napoleon invites the shaken Russian to
dinner."He raised his handto the Russian's face "Tolstoy writes and"taking him by the earpulled it
gently…"To have one's ear pulled by the Emperor wasconsidered the greatest honor and mark of
favor at the French court."Well well why don't you say anything?"said he as if it wasridiculous in his
presence to respect any one but himself Napoleon.
Tolstoy did his research but the composition is his own.
little hands". Nor does he"sit well or firmly on the horse". He is said to be"undersized" with"short
legs"and a"round stomach". The issue here is not the accuracy of Tolstoy's description-it seems not
that far off from historical accounts-but his choice of facts:other things that could be said of the man
are not said. We are meant to understand the difference of a warring commander in the body of a fat
littleFrenchman. Tolstoy's Napoleon could be any man wandering in the streets and putting a little of
powdered tobacco up his nose-and that is the point.
It is a way the novelist uses to show the moral nature of acharacter.And it turns out that as Tolstoy
has it Napoleon is acrazy man. In a scene in Book Three of War and Peace the war shaving reached
the critical year of 1812 Napoleon receives arepresentative from the Tsar(沙皇) who bas come with
peaceterms. Napoleon is very angry:doesn't he have more army?He notthe Tsar is the one to make
the terms. He will destroy all of Europeif his army is stopped. "Thhat is what you will have gained by
engaging me in the war!" he shouts. And then Tolstoy writes Napoleon"walked silently several times
up and down the room hisfat shoulders moving quickly".
Still later after reviewing his army amid cheering crowds Napoleon invites the shaken Russian to
dinner."He raised his handto the Russian's face "Tolstoy writes and"taking him by the earpulled it
gently…"To have one's ear pulled by the Emperor wasconsidered the greatest honor and mark of
favor at the French court."Well well why don't you say anything?"said he as if it wasridiculous in his
presence to respect any one but himself Napoleon.
Tolstoy did his research but the composition is his own.
1. Tolstoy's description of Napoleon in War and Peace is .
A. far from the historical facts
B. based on the Russian history
C. based on his selection of facts
D. not related to historical details
B. based on the Russian history
C. based on his selection of facts
D. not related to historical details
2. What did Napoleon expect the Russian representative to do?
A. To walk out of the room in anrger.
B. To show agreementt with him.
C. To say something about the Tsar.
D. To express his admiration.
B. To show agreementt with him.
C. To say something about the Tsar.
D. To express his admiration.
3. Tolstoy intended to present Napoleon as a man who is
A. ill-mannered in dealing with foreign guests
B. fond of showing off his iron will
C. determined in destroying all of Europe
D. crazy for power and respect
B. fond of showing off his iron will
C. determined in destroying all of Europe
D. crazy for power and respect
4. What does the last sentence of the passage imply?
A. A writer doesn't have to be faithful to his findings.
B. A writer may write about a hero in his own way.
C. A writer may not be responsible for what he writes.
D. A writer has hardly any freedom to show his feelings.
B. A writer may write about a hero in his own way.
C. A writer may not be responsible for what he writes.
D. A writer has hardly any freedom to show his feelings.
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