早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1、 which do you prefer,a modern villa or a Beijing quadrangle?And why?
2、 Which kungfu film do you like most and who is your favourite kungfu film star?why?
3、 Will traditional Chinese medicine play a more and more important role in the future?Why?
4、 Among the Chinese ”eight regional cuisines” ,which one do you like most?Why?
5、 Suppose you are a tourist guide,introduce one of china’s historically and culturally renowned ancient cities to foreign travelers.
6、 Among all Chinese traditional festivals,which one is your favourite?Why?
7、 Introduce one of ancient Chinese great inventions you know best?
8、 Do you enjoy Chinese performing arts?Why or why not?
9、 Explain Confucianism and its influences to Chinese culture.
10、 Please introduce china’s geographical features.
11、 Please introduce the four famous Chinese classics of literature.
12、 Please illustrate how Taoist philosophies are applied in Chinese martial arts?
13、 What philosophies are embodied in the TCM (traditional Chinese medicine)?
14、 What do you think is the most important in education?
15、 Please introduce the Beijing opera.
16、 Why people say that Chinese painting has the same origin as calligraphy?

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