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Man's nature is good at birth.May will there is somebody suggesting that question "bad person is to come from there " at this time?
think that one people is changed into a dirty trick,have cause at 2 o'clock:The dirty trick and the self-restraint force dispatch bad boundary.
That the force dispatches a self-restraint is to lead to person be changed into a bad key factor.,since person is short of the self-restraint ability therefore seeing thing been fond of by self just is able to restrain,self goes to get it ,to play with a computer for instance ceaselessly.
Then,that the environment breaks down is to have made friends with a few bad friends or is that parents does not control,have contracted lots of bad trouble thereupon,nobody controls making these spoil trouble becoming more and more bad,be that they have walked up the block of wood returning journey herefrom.
Level circularly orders the arrest of Bai Zhong Jie ,the youngest A at large criminal.It truns out that he is that a study about is industrious ,achievement is outstanding child,final but have become one circularly order the arrest of at large criminal.The nobody can believe in this matter
If in not taking these problems seriously,so brought about loss has had no way to be retrieved.
1.At the beginning of the people,they are good. When someone will probably put forward questions "bad from where come yet?
2.I think that is a bad, for two reasons: about the bad environment and poor self-control
3.Poor self-control is bad to one of the most important factors. Due to the lack of self-control, so when they see their favorite things they will refrain from their to get it, for example, playing computer games.
4.Bad Environmental is making some bad friends or parents' not discipline, then picked up many bad habits, and no discipline that these bad habit becomes more and more bad, are they on the path
5.BaiZhongJie, most young level A manhunt. He is a study hard, and finally became a manhunt. No one can believe it
6.If you don't pay attention to these problems in the loss caused by, then cannot be saved

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