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One day when he was crossing the road Tom was hit by a car. He fell down and broke his arm.

An ambulance(救护车)soon arrived and took Tom to a hospital. A doctor operated on(动手术)his arm and put the arm in a plaster cast(上石膏). Tom could not move it at all.

“You must keep your arm in a cast for six weeks.” the doctor said “That would give the broken arm a chance to heal(愈合).”

At the end of the six weeks Tom went back to the hospital. The doctor cut the cast with a large saw(锯)and took the arm out of the cast.

“Can you move your arm Tom?” he asked.

Tom tried to move his arm. At first it was difficult but soon he was able to move it a little.

“Yes it’s fine.” he said “Thank you very much doctor.”

“In a few days it will be as good as usual.” the doctor said “Just exercise it a little.”

“Will I be able to play the piano?”Tom asked.

The doctor smiled. “Of course you will.” he said “You’ll have no problem.” “That is good news.” Tom said “Because I couldn’t play it at all before.”

(   ) 1. How did Tom break his arm?

A. He fell off a tree.

B. He broke it while playing football.

C. He was hit by a car on the road.

(   ) 2. How long did he have to keep the arm in the plaster cast?

A. About 40 days.

B. Only for a few days.

C. Almost half a year.

(   ) 3. What did the doctor tell Tom to do after the cast was taken off?

A. He asked him not to move his arm.

B. He asked him to exercise the arm.

C. He asked him to play the piano.

(   ) 4. Why was Tom pleased?

A. He thought he would be able to play the piano.

B. The doctor would tell him how to play the piano.

C. The driver would give him a piano as a present.

(   )5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The cast was so hard that the doctor had to cut it open with a special tool.

B. Tom liked playing the piano but he didn’t know how to play it.

C. An operation on Tom’s arm made him be able to play the piano.


1. B  由每条信息的第三行比较可知

               2. C  由每条信息的第四行比较可知

3. A  查找可知该温度下Portland 是八月底九月初,此时位于南半球的New Zealand 应该是冬季

              4. A  通过查询第四条信息的倒数第三行Typical foods crabs beef prawn用排除可以得出

               5. D  由第三条信息的倒数第于行Popular sports: tennis fishing hiking 可知。