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The background of the British and American detective novel is fable; while we Chinese like a real stuff.Therefore,Chinese detective fiction can not sign “fabrication” on it,or the readers will not enjoy it for readers are used to seeing the society from the literature.However,the real detective novel is nothing about the society,but just to read for fun.
Secondly,The background for English-Amercian detective fiction is originally imaginary and mythological,however,We Chinese love to take their seats according to the numbers on their tickes ,Chinese detective fictions are not supportive to be fictitious and readers have no appetite for that ,for the reason that readers are inclined and accustomed to look at the society from the literature .Real detective novels have nothing to do with society,It is nothing but a kind of amusement / entertainment / pastime for the readers .

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习作要求:要用一两件事来介绍小伙伴,写出小伙伴的特点.上面是书上的要求,我想写我的一个朋友,事例想  2020-05-17 …

阅读《小王子》片段,回答问题。第二个行星上住着一个爱虚荣的人。“喔唷!一个崇拜我的人来拜访了!”这  2020-06-26 …

高分悬赏一个国家名字,高手来.在写一个小说,想虚构一个国家的名字,名字要有神的指引的这样意思.然后  2020-06-27 …

一个想解答的问题事实上是否真的有雷锋的存在,雷锋是真实存在,还是领导虚构出来的让我们学习。还是制造  2020-06-27 …

下图为《牛顿、爱因斯坦和相对论:改变世界的方程》的封面,该书以虚拟的牛顿、爱因斯坦和一位虚构人物阿  2020-06-27 …

科幻影视、文学作品深受青少年喜爱。科幻作品依据现有的科学知识,针对未知领域,展开大胆想象,通过虚构  2020-06-27 …

阅读下面的文字,完成后面小题目。非虚构:面对真实还是面对文学?李德南近年来,非虚构写作成为一种颇受  2020-06-27 …

英语翻译看完这部电影后,觉得这是理智与欲望的拉锯战,只能用爱来拯救.最终他战胜了自己,也救了贝拉.  2020-06-27 …

英语翻译其二:英美侦探小说的背景本来是虚构的,而我们中国人很喜欢对号入座,中国的侦探小说没法写“纯属  2020-11-01 …