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     I have a seven-year-old son named John. He loves chocolates. He often takes chocolates instead of meals.
Therefore he gets very bad teeth. The dentist (牙医) told me not to let him eat chocolates any more. But his
grandfather dotes on (宠爱) him. He often buys John chocolates even though he knows that they are bad for
teeth. I know that John is his only grandson who is everything to him. I really don't want to make him
unhappy. Therefore I always allow John to eat the chocolate his grandfather bought him.
    Yesterday evening I kissed John good night and asked him to say his prayers before going to bed and then
I left his bedroom. A few minutes later I heard John shouting word by word. "Tomorrow-is-my-birthday.
May-God-bring-me-a-big-box-of-chocolates." I went to his room and saw him kneeling on the ground
shouting out his prayers. I said "Don't shout John. Your Dad is sleeping now! God can hear you no matter
how softly you talk to him." Pointing to the next room where his grandpa sleeps John said secretly "My God
is sleeping. He can't hear me unless I wake him up."
1. Why does John's grandpa often buy John chocolates?
[     ]
A. He doesn't know they are bad for his teeth
B. He loves John very much
C. He shows too much fondness for his grandson
D. He wants to make John happy
2. What did the boy do before going to bed that evening?
[     ]
A. He knelt on the ground and prayed for God
B. He knelt on the ground and prayed to his grandpa for chocolates
C. He knelt on the ground and prayed for his grandpa
D. He knelt on the ground and prayed to God for chocolates
3.The sentence" Who is everything for him" means              .
[     ]
A. who is his only grandson
B. who is a most important person to him
C. who is dearer to him than anything else
D. who is near and dear to him
4. The boy shouted out his prayers in order to              .
[     ]
A. make God hear him
B. let his father know
C. wake up his grandpa
D. do what his father told him
1-4: CBCC