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麻烦再帮个忙翻译一下 谢谢了
在这一句子中,很明白赚钱是第一目标 但“目标”一词在句子中是“隐形的”.同时,原语发言人将“赚钱”一词在句子中做了重复处理,并且为使听众能有更好的理解,讲话人还对此进行了解释,这些都导致句子结构的松散.在翻译这类句子时,必须补足语言信息,并且理清条理,使句子紧凑.
在这一句子中,很明白赚钱是第一目标 但“目标”一词在句子中是“隐形的”.同时,原语发言人将“赚钱”一词在句子中做了重复处理,并且为使听众能有更好的理解,讲话人还对此进行了解释,这些都导致句子结构的松散.在翻译这类句子时,必须补足语言信息,并且理清条理,使句子紧凑.
Impromptu speaking in a formal setting,speech or interview,the speaker is not very sure whether the focus of their audience to listen to,whether for the content of the speaker to understand,to remember,and therefore duplicate content,will explain,will be re- above.Therefore,his speech often occurs in such loose sentences.While the speaker to pay attention to what they said,while also continue to monitor their own way of speaking,this speech will be full of pauses,hesitation,and incomplete sentences.Not accompanied by strict logic and lack of sentence elements.Look at the following example:
"We make money,make money,invest in business to make money as a first,not the only one to bring the issue very clear."
In this sentence,it is understand that money is the first goal but the "objective" in the sentence is "invisible." Meanwhile,a spokesman for the original language of "making money" is made in the sentence repetition treatment,and for the audience to have a better understanding of the speech were also carried out to explain this,these have led to a loose sentence structure.In the translation of these sentences must make up language information,and sort structured so that the sentence compact.
"We make money,make money,invest in business to make money as a first,not the only one to bring the issue very clear."
In this sentence,it is understand that money is the first goal but the "objective" in the sentence is "invisible." Meanwhile,a spokesman for the original language of "making money" is made in the sentence repetition treatment,and for the audience to have a better understanding of the speech were also carried out to explain this,these have led to a loose sentence structure.In the translation of these sentences must make up language information,and sort structured so that the sentence compact.
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