早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



一·the dog 's collar was so_______that it came off over his head?

A_loose_ B_slight_

C _broad_ D_excessive (what's the meaning of "come off")

二·he had a _____look in his eyes.he must have been shocked.

A_empty_ B_bare_

C_blank_ D_hollow_

三·Many people save money ____ for their old age.

A_supply_ B_offer_

C_provide_ D_yield_

四· American women were _____the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.

A.ignored B.refused

C.neglected C.denied

五 As i had earlier made up my mind to run for governor ,i could not ___. i must go on with the flight.

A_vary_ B_withdraw_


六The water was so ___that icould see fish insideclearly

A_transparent_ B_obvious_


不嫌麻烦就解释下嘛^.^ thank you very much


A 一A·the dog 's collar was so_______that it came off over his head?

A_loose_ B_slight_

C _broad_ D_excessive (what's the meaning of "come off")

C 二·he had a _____look in his eyes.he must have been shocked.

A_empty_ B_bare_

C_blank_ D_hollow_

C 三·Many people save money ____ for their old age.

A_supply_ B_offer_

C_provide_ D_yield_

C 四· American women were _____the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.

A.ignored B.refused

C.neglected C.denied

B 五 As i had earlier made up my mind to run for governor ,i could not ___. i must go on with the fight.

A_vary_ B_withdraw_


A or clear 六The water was so ___that icould see fish insideclearly

A_transparent_ B_obvious_


不嫌麻烦就解释下嘛^.^ thank you very much


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