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For his efforts,Coffin received frequent death threats and warnings that his store and home would be burned .Nearly every conductor faced similar risks-or worse.In the North ,a magistrate might have imposed a fine or a brief jail sentence for aiding those escaping.In the Southern states ,Whites were sentenced to months or even years in jail.One courageous Methodist minister,Calvin Fairbank,was imprisoned for more than 17 years in Kentucky ,where he kept a log of his beatings:35,105 stripes with the whip.
For his efforts,Coffin received frequent death threats and warnings that his store and home would be burned.
1、让步状语:for one's pains ——尽管付出努力
2、同位语从句:that his store and home would be burned ——具体说明抽象名词death threats and warnings 的含义
Nearly every conductor faced similar risks-or worse.
3、连词 or:—— 表示引导同义词或说明语,意思是“或者说/也就是说”
In the North,a magistrate might have imposed a fine or a brief jail sentence for aiding those escaping.
4、虚拟语气:might have imposed a fine or a brief jail sentence.——表示对往事的推测,意思是“或许会…”
5、原因状语:for aiding … ——因为/由于帮助…
6、带逻辑主语的动名词复合结构:those escaping = those who escaped
In the Southern states,Whites were sentenced to months or even years in jail.
7、被动语态:be sentenced to
8、介词短语:in jail ——监禁/服刑/蹲监狱
One courageous Methodist minister,Calvin Fairbank,was imprisoned for more than 17 years in Kentucky,where he kept a log of his beatings:35,105 stripes with the whip.
9、被动语态be imprisoned for
10、非限制性定语从句:where he kept a log of his beatings
11、短语:keep a log 留下记录