早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
第一篇:I like sunshine. I think it has many and many power.It makes people feelwarm. Many kinds of plants need it to grow fast.
The sunshine in people"s hearts is important.I inspire the people who have sunshine in their hearts.I think they are positive.They have dreams in their minds. And they must succeed in the end.
In my opinion ,sunshine stands for love .Love makes people happy, so does sunshine.Love is over the world,so is sunshine.
Where there is sunshine,thereis love.
第二篇:The sunshine was always seen by the people.It give us so many happyness.when you are in the sunshine .you will feel warmful .so jusk like the fishes need the water that the people need the sunshine.so we know the sunshine is necissary for the people.why I think this?
we can imagine,if there is no sunshine all over the world.It will too hard to walk in the street.the world will be very darkful here and there.The plants can not grow.
sunshine means a nice sprit.so I hope all the people will have a high sprit.
第一篇:I like sunshine. I think it has many and many power.It makes people feelwarm. Many kinds of plants need it to grow fast.
The sunshine in people"s hearts is important.I inspire the people who have sunshine in their hearts.I think they are positive.They have dreams in their minds. And they must succeed in the end.
In my opinion ,sunshine stands for love .Love makes people happy, so does sunshine.Love is over the world,so is sunshine.
Where there is sunshine,thereis love.
第二篇:The sunshine was always seen by the people.It give us so many happyness.when you are in the sunshine .you will feel warmful .so jusk like the fishes need the water that the people need the sunshine.so we know the sunshine is necissary for the people.why I think this?
we can imagine,if there is no sunshine all over the world.It will too hard to walk in the street.the world will be very darkful here and there.The plants can not grow.
sunshine means a nice sprit.so I hope all the people will have a high sprit.
第一篇更加以一个作文方框写下来的 像初中写的死的..稍微有点小儿科..
要是选一篇交上去得分的话 选第一个会的等高..
要是选一篇交上去得分的话 选第一个会的等高..
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