早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
There was once a hunter(猎人) who , on the seventh birthday of his son, decided to go hunting to get something nice for his son. But as he reached for the gun on the wall, it fell down, and the barrel (枪管) was bent like the letter “L”. “Father, that’s a bad sign,” cried the boy. “Please don’t go hunting today.” “You are silly!” said the father. “That’s a good sign. ‘L’ means ‘Luck’.” The father went to a mountain lake. There were thirteen wild ducks on the lake! Twelve were playing in the water, and the thirteenth was sleeping beside a rock.. “Great!” the hunter aimed at one of the ducks. “Bang!” went the shot. Ah, but as the gun barrel was crooked(弯曲), the bullet went zigzag, zigzag, hitting all the twelve ducks in the water and then hitting the thirteenth sleeping duck. The ducks didn’t die at the moment, so the hunter tried to catch them. When he finally held the last duck by the neck, it suddenly hit the water for the last time with its wings. The something jumped out of the water and landed near the bank---a huge fish! 小题1:Why did the hunter decide to go hunting? _______________________________________________________ 小题2:According to the father, what did “L” mean? _______________________________________________________ 小题3:What did the hunter get in the end? _______________________________________________________ |
小题1:Because the hunter wanted to get something nice for his son. 小题2:Luck. 小题3:13 ducks and 1 fish/thirteen ducks and a fish |
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农发行枪支弹药(警械)管理办法中规定,持枪人员必须随时佩戴枪支。非持枪人员不得以任何理由佩戴、 2020-05-27 …
农发行枪支弹药(警械)管理办法中规定,持枪人员必须是农发行系统的专兼职守护、押运人员。临时工不 2020-05-27 …
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任选一题作答。宋江勒马看时,庄上不见刀枪人马,心中疑惑,猛省道:“我的不是了,天书上明明戒说,临敌 2020-06-18 …
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请从下面两道题中任选一题作答。(6分)(1)宋江勒马看时,庄上不见刀枪人马。心中疑忌。猛省道:“我的 2020-11-01 …
《金枪人》(TheManwiththeGoldenGun)电影中的反派角色为:A.弗朗兹.桑切斯(F 2020-11-25 …