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Anthony Burgess was 40 when he learned that he had only one year to live. He had a brain tumor(肿瘤) that 1. (kill) him within a year. He knew he had a battle on his hands. He was completely broken at the time so he had 2. to leave behind for his wife Lynne.

Brugress had never been a professional novelist in the past 3. he always know the potential was inside him to be a writer. So for the purpose of 4. (leave) something behind for his wife he put a piece of paper into a typewriter and began writing. He was not sure

5.the book would be published nor not but he couldn’t think of anything else to do.

“6.was January of 1960 ” he said “and according to the prognosis I had a winter and spring and summer 7. (live) through and would die with the fall of the leaf.”

In that time Burgress wrote energetically finishing a lot of novels before8. year was through. Burgress did not die. His cancer had gone into remission and then disappeared9.(magic). In his long and full life as a novelist he wrote more than 70 books 10.turns out to be an amazing achievement. Without the death sentence from cancer he may not have written at all.

1.would kill2.nothing3.but4.leaving5.whether6.It7.to live8.the9.magically10.which
1. killed。2.考查代词。nothing表是什么都没有,something表示某些事。由前文“He was completely broken at the time”知,这时他的身体已经完全被破坏了,所以他应该是没有什么为他的妻子留下了。故填nothing。3. but for等等but 表示转折的含义,但是……,根据上文“so he had to leave behind for his wife Lynne.”所以他没有什么为他的妻子琳恩留下和下文“he always know the potential was inside him to be a writer.”他一直知道作为一个作者,他是有潜在价值的。安东尼没有什么为他的妻子留下,但他是个著名的作家。故填but。4.考查动名词。动名词即动词的ing形式,是属于非谓语动词的一种,其语法作用就是相当于名词,可以做主语,宾语。介词后面不能直接接动词,必须接动名词。of属于介词,故填leaving。5.考查连词whether用法。whether和if都有否定之意,都能引导从句,但whether引导的从句常与or、or not等连用,而if则一般不能。句中出现了or not,故填whether。6.考查物主代词it用法。it常用来指代时间、距离、天气、温度等,这里指代时间“January of 1960”1960年二月,故填It。7. sth to do表示有某事要做,have sb doing sth表示使某人做某事,have sth done表示使某事被做。“I had a winter and spring and summer (live) through ”意思是我还有一个冬天,一个春天,一个夏天去活。故填to live。8.考查定冠词的用法。定冠词the ,表示某一个,某一些特定的人或者事,且在形容词或者副词的最高级前,序数词前也要用定冠词。“before year was through.”指的是在今年过完之前,这里特指最后安东尼人生中的最后一年。故填the。9.magically修饰动词disappeared。故填magically。10. wrote more than 70 books turns out to be an amazing achievement.缺少关系代词做主语,指代books,且用逗号隔开了,故填which。