早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



  My first day at this school was January 15, 1992.When I got to school, I went to the office.The counselor in the office gave me a class schedule.I couldn’t find my homeroom so she took me there.I was really happy in this class because all of the students spoke Spanish.When homeroom finished, my new friends helped me to find my next class.When I got to this class, there were only two students, and they didn’t speak Spanish.I was really nervous because I didn’t speak English very well.I tried to relax and do my best, but it wasn’t easy.

  At noon, I had to go to the cafeteria.But I didn’t know where it was.I didn’t see any Spanish-speaking students in the hallway, so I asked a teacher.He told me that the cafeteria was on the first floor.After lunch, I had three more classes.Many students spoke Russian, and I couldn’t understand them.I tried to speak English with them, and they seemed friendly.After school, I went home.This was my first day in school.

  Where did the writer go on her first school day?Please put the sentences in the right order.

a.She had three more classes.

b.She had lunch at the cafeteria.

c.The counselor gave her a class schedule.

d.She went home.

e.A teacher told her where the cafeteria was.

f.She went to homeroom.

g.She went to her next class where she was very nervous.
