早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
假如你叫Li Qiang,参加了报社关于“有烦恼向谁说”的调查工作,请用英语写一篇英语作文.词数60~80
When the survey carried out based on the question "
do you talk to when you have a problem?why this person?" came to the volunteers, they give separate feedbacks. Some went like :
1---It depends on the problem as to who I would talk to. Some people are
better suited at helping me with particular areas, others are not, so
it's best to either find the "specialist" in that area or to ask several
people for their advice/help in order to get the best perspective.
husband and daughter would be the two that I talk to most often about a
problem, but there are some other things that I might need help with
that I wouldn't even consider asking them about. It really just depends
on what it is and whether I think they would understand the situation
well enough to be of real assistance. I of course trust them to bring
to them most of my problems. Trust is problem the number one reason why
I would go to them.
Sometime, I just try to work problems out
on my own. In many cases, that's all that's needed. I take some time to
consider all sides of the situation, and with some luck the solution
will appear to me.
2---Usually my wife, I trust her with the information and I know she will
tell me the truth
3---It all depends on who you are comfortable talking to and who you feel
safe talking to. A trusted therapist is always a good idea as you can
talk to them in confidence and you can tell them anything. If you have a
parent, grandparent, friend or sibling that you can truly trust you
could talk to them too. But feeling safe is key.
Start with a teacher you trust or go to a counselor at your
school. They talk to kids every day and know what to say and how to
handle problems.
Other people who can help? Try grandparents, aunts, uncles,
even neighbors if you are close to them. You can talk to a coach, scout
leader, or someone at church about your problem.
do you talk to when you have a problem?why this person?" came to the volunteers, they give separate feedbacks. Some went like :
1---It depends on the problem as to who I would talk to. Some people are
better suited at helping me with particular areas, others are not, so
it's best to either find the "specialist" in that area or to ask several
people for their advice/help in order to get the best perspective.
husband and daughter would be the two that I talk to most often about a
problem, but there are some other things that I might need help with
that I wouldn't even consider asking them about. It really just depends
on what it is and whether I think they would understand the situation
well enough to be of real assistance. I of course trust them to bring
to them most of my problems. Trust is problem the number one reason why
I would go to them.
Sometime, I just try to work problems out
on my own. In many cases, that's all that's needed. I take some time to
consider all sides of the situation, and with some luck the solution
will appear to me.
2---Usually my wife, I trust her with the information and I know she will
tell me the truth
3---It all depends on who you are comfortable talking to and who you feel
safe talking to. A trusted therapist is always a good idea as you can
talk to them in confidence and you can tell them anything. If you have a
parent, grandparent, friend or sibling that you can truly trust you
could talk to them too. But feeling safe is key.
Start with a teacher you trust or go to a counselor at your
school. They talk to kids every day and know what to say and how to
handle problems.
Other people who can help? Try grandparents, aunts, uncles,
even neighbors if you are close to them. You can talk to a coach, scout
leader, or someone at church about your problem.
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