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谁能帮我翻译下这段文字呢摘 要随着社会经济持续、高速发展,近年来我国能源的需求也出现较高的增长速度,热电联产已经进入大机组的发展阶段,300MW大型抽汽冷凝两用机组已逐渐投入运行,这些高参数大容量机组,在非采暖期与凝汽机组效率基本相同,在采暖期有明显的节能效益,因而在热电联产集中供热中发挥了巨大作用。而着眼于优化和完善热力系统及其设备,改善运行操作,提高运行效率,降低运行成本正在成为热电联产工作的一个重点。对热力系统进行局部定量分析和全面优化,以及技术改造,可以充分挖掘热力系统的节能潜力,为火电厂节能降耗开辟一个新的领域。本文主要阐述国产30万千瓦发电机组的锅炉给水泵的容量,台数与型式的选取,水泵组的配置方案,给水泵的扬程计算,机组启动或低负荷运行时,防止给水泵汽蚀的方法,除氧器定压运行,给水泵入口静压力的计算,给水泵组的布置。关键字:给水泵 扬程计算 防止汽蚀 压力计算辛苦啦,谢谢
With the continued socio-economic, high-speed development in recent years, China's energy needs also a higher growth rate, combined heat and power unit has entered the big stage of development, 300MW dual-use large-scale extraction condensing unit has been put into operation, these high - Parameters of large-capacity generating units, non-condensing steam heating unit with the same efficiency in the heating period of significant energy efficiency, which in combined heat and power central heating has played a huge role. The focus on optimizing and improving the heating system and its equipment, operating improving the operation and improve efficiency, reduce operating costs combined heat and power is becoming a major focus of the work. Heat on the local system of quantitative analysis and optimization of all-round, as well as technological transformation, you can tap the energy potential of the thermal system, saving energy for thermal power plant to open up a new field. This article on China-made 300,000 kilowatt generating units of the boiler feed pump capacity, the number and type selection, the configuration of the group pumps, water pumps to lift the calculation unit to start or low-load operation, to prevent pump cavitation way Deaerator pressure to run, the entrance to the pump static pressure calculations, the group pumps to the arrangement.

初中比热容题把质量和温度都相等的铜球和铁球放进沸水中加热一段时间,这一过程中它们吸收的热量?铁球吸  2020-05-14 …

在两支试管中分别加入少量乙酸乙酯,然后向第一支试管中加入稀硫酸,向第二支试管中加入NaOH溶液,放  2020-05-16 …

可逆流操作的换热器种类较多,当需要的传热面积不太大而所要求的压强较高或传热效果较好时,宣  2020-06-07 …

将一把铁勺和一把瓷勺的勺头同时放进同一碗热汤中,过了一段时间,勺柄先变热的是,由此可见,铁和陶瓷中  2020-06-18 …

把两块质量相等的铁块同时放在沸水锅内加热一段时间后,分别投放到质量初温相等的水和煤油中,当达到热平  2020-06-26 …

把凉牛奶放在热水中加热,经过一段较长时间,它们的温度随时间变化的图象如图所示,且牛奶的质量与热水相  2020-07-14 …

为什么比热容较小的物体吸热后升温快?比热容反映的是物体的吸热本领,比热容较小的吸热本领小,那么为什么  2020-11-05 …

现代航天器一般都用液态氢作燃料,这是因为它具有()A.较小的比热容B.较低的沸点C.较大的热值D.较  2020-11-05 …

把一杯牛奶放在热水中加热,经过一段较长时间,它们的温度随时间变化的图象如图所示.(1)图象中,表示牛  2020-11-24 …

炎热的夏天,河滩上的砂石灼热难熬,而河水却清凉宜人.其原因是,与砂石比较河水具有()A.较小的质量B  2020-12-08 …