早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.句子翻译 1.他的爷爷去年去世了.他活到90岁呢.
2.句子改错 1.Sorry,i have very little left,i can't give you one.
2.A few minutes before,my brother heiped me my desk up the stairs.
3.We have a little much rain this month than last month.
4.I saw him leaving the house and getting into a car.
5.She makes a rule to go shopping ance a week
6.When I broke my leg,I spent three all weeks in bed.
3.句型转换:Let's go to the Tiger Beach.(该成反意疑问句)
1.句子翻译 1.他的爷爷去年去世了.他活到90岁呢.
2.句子改错 1.Sorry,i have very little left,i can't give you one.
2.A few minutes before,my brother heiped me my desk up the stairs.
3.We have a little much rain this month than last month.
4.I saw him leaving the house and getting into a car.
5.She makes a rule to go shopping ance a week
6.When I broke my leg,I spent three all weeks in bed.
3.句型转换:Let's go to the Tiger Beach.(该成反意疑问句)
1.His grandfather died last year.He lived to be 90 years old then.2.Although I was living alone,but I do not feel lonely.3.It seems he knew nothing about the matter.4.Do you think who will participate...
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