Professor Chris Idzikowski director of the Sleep Assessment at the University in Southern England has discovered six common sleep positions and what they mean.
Bended in the fetal position is the most popular sleep pattern and loved by 51 percent of women according to the results of the study he carried out for a large hotel group. Fetal sleepers tend to be shy and sensitive( 敏感的 ). People who have the soldier position—flat on their back with arms at their sides are quiet and unfriendly.
Sleeping on one ’ s side with legs outstretched( 伸长 ) and arms down is a sign of social easy-going personality. But if the arms are outstretched the person tends to be more disbelieving.
The freefall flat on the stomach with the hands at the sides of the head is the most unusual position. Only 6. 5 percent of people prefer it and they are usually in a hurry and sociable.
Modest good listeners usually sleep in the starfish position—on the back with outstretched arms and legs.
Idzikowski who discovered the positions by comparing personality of people their preferred way of sleeping and the most common positions said once a sleeping way is formed it is hardly ever changed.
“What ’ s interesting is that the profile( 形象 ) behind the position is often very different from what we would expect ”he added in a statement.
1. According to Professor Chris Idzikowski from a person ’ s sleeping position you can__________.
A. know what he is interested in
B. understand what he usually means
C. tell what his character is like
D. guess what he usually thinks
2. A person who sleeps with his face up and arms at his sides__________.
A. seldom talks and is hard to get along with
B. is afraid to face strangers and is easily hurt
C. likes to make friends with others
D. hardly believes things and words from others
3. What Idzikowski said in the last paragraph means __________.
A. people ’ s sleeping way never changes
B. in real life people don ’ t behave as their real personality
C. people ’ s sleeping position doesn ’ t show their personality all the time
D. sleepers themselves always can ’ t control their own sleeping position
4. The best title for this passage would be__________.
A. Six Sleeping Positions
B. Choose Your Best Sleeping Position
C. Sleeping Position Shows Personality
D. How to Sleep Well
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