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Napster 是音乐爱好者前所未有的最好的去处,它尊重版权和音乐家的利益.但是,它也拒绝提供任何合理的许可证并且也反对强制许可.它做到了增加唱片销量和不断对粉丝提供新的音乐.唯一对它的威胁是,过于传统的统治它的分配和促销.Napster 是合法的,用户的行为也是合法的.无数的乐队都通过它而成名,超过25000艺术家通过它分享自己的音乐.然而,遵守唱片产业的要求 可以使它避免其他手段通过分散其架构来伤害它.只要他遵守程序,就算有它的用户侵犯版权,他也可以不负任何责任.由于它一直以来遵守程序,终止了数十万用户声称侵权的行为.我们不能也不应该允许一些毫无根据的推断来否认令大家都受益的新技术.
Napster is the best place for music lovers of unprecedented,which respect the interests of the copyright and musicians.But it also refused to provide any reasonable license and also against the compulsory license.It did add music sales and continuous to provide new music fans.Is the only threat to it,too traditional rule of its distribution and promotion.Napster was legal,it is lawful to user behavior.Numerous bands through its fame,more than 25000 artists share their music through it.Comply with the requirements for the recording industry,however,allow it to avoid other means by dispersing its architecture to damage it.As long as he abide by the program,even with its users infringement of copyright,he also can not take any responsibility.Because it has always been to comply with procedures,to terminate the hundreds of thousands of users claimed infringement behavior.We cannot and should not be allowed to some unfounded inferences to deny that we all benefit from new technology .