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选择框中适当的短语,并用其正确的形式填空.sell out, more than,come true,take off ,the price of,land at ,dream abpit,go to sleep ,fly to ,take photos.1 The airolane( )Dalian Airport twenty minutes agou2 My uncle( )Beijing yesterday3 The little boy was hungry ,sohe( )4 The CD is very popular It has already ( )5 it s a fine day Let s go and ( )outside6 It s a nice bag Whats ( )it ?7( )two thousand studengte took part in the sports meeting last Sunday8 What a hoy it is !You d better ( )your coat9 Ididn t ( )until midnight yesteday10 I can t believe dream ( ) Iwonthe game
用适当词语的适当形式填空,首先要知道这些词组是什么意思,其次要结合语境,填出适当形式.sell out是卖光,卖完.more than 不仅仅 ,多于.,超出come true 实现,成为现实,成真take off 起飞;脱下;离开the price of 指....