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以爬山为主 活动情况:8点学校门口乘汽车 8:30开始爬山 10点到山顶 中午在山顶就餐 午饭后自由活动 下午5:30返校 80词语
My classmates and I plan to climb a mountain this Sunday.I got up in 6 pm on August 8,and we meet at the school gate at 6:30.We came to the foot of the mountain at 8:00.This is the beginning of our climbing trip.  The day is a sunny day and we all very excited.We enjoy the scenery on our climbing . There are many trees and wild flowers along the road and the birds sang at times.There are many other people climbed like us and some of them is the old man and children . We sang songs together in the later. We are tired when climbing to the halfway.We sat down aside the tree . Someone sleep and someone eat and others in chatting. Then We continue to climb the mountain . We took a lot photos when climbing . When we was tired we encourage each other ,so we all persistence to climb to the top of the mountain . We played some time then we back down .  This mountain climbing is an unforgettable experience to me. It makes me understand that we will met with many difficulties in the way of success ,but if we aways insist on we will success in the end .

如图,周末老师和同学们一起爬山,他们先由山脚A沿坡角为30°的山坡AB行走600m,到达一个山腰B  2020-05-17 …

解决问题五年级六班同学到山坡植树,其中有5人,每人栽8棵;有8人,每人栽7棵;其余同学每人栽解决问  2020-06-25 …

有一座山,山上有座庙,只有一条路可以从山上的庙到山脚,每周一早上8点,有一个聪明的小和尚去山下化缘  2020-06-30 …

李华登山,从山脚到途中A点的速度是8/3千米小时,从A点到山顶的速度是2千米/小时,他到达山顶后立  2020-07-01 …

一个人早上8点上山,中午12点到山顶,睡了一夜后,第二天早上8点下山,上午10点到山脚下.试问:是  2020-07-07 …

有一座山,山上有座庙,只有一条路可以从山上的庙到山脚,每周一早上8点,有一个聪明的小和尚去山下化缘  2020-07-10 …

一个人从一座山的东面山脚开始爬山,到山顶后沿下坡路走到西面山脚,共走路程8千米,上坡路程与下坡路程  2020-07-18 …

需要一篇高一英语作文以爬山为主活动情况:8点学校门口乘汽车8:30开始爬山10点到山顶中午在山顶就餐  2020-11-04 …

一个人从一座山的东面山脚开始爬山,到山顶后沿下坡路走到西面山脚,共走路程8千米,上坡路与下坡路程的比  2020-11-25 …

某人一大早由前山山脚A沿弯曲的山路爬上山顶后,又经后山山路到达了后山脚B,整个过程用了8h.休息一夜  2020-12-27 …