早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1 I am afraid I have ____ you with a great many questions.选项:a、provided b、bothered c、injured d、supplied
2 It is a fact that the world around us is ____ changing.选项:a、absolutely b、constantly c、definitely d、immediately
3 One of our two chief aims is to ____ students to continue learning independently after the formal studies have ended.选项:a、enable b、overlook c、engage d、involve
4 The man in the restaurant called the head waiter in to complain ____ the food.选项:a、out b、off c、at d、about
5 I remember my uncle ____ home a very huge Christmas tree when I was a little child,and ____ everyone a gift.选项:a、bringing …buying b、to bring …buying c、bringing …buy d、bring …buying
6 With all the material she needed ____,she started to work on her thesis (论文).选项:a、being collected b、having collected c、collecting d、collected
7 I keep medicines on the top shelf,out of the children’s ______.选项:a、reach b、hand c、hold d、place
8 Finding a cure for this disease is one of the greatest ______ faced by scientists.选项:a、hardships b、conclusions c、achievements d、challenges
9 The new ______ machine is a great help in the production of the factory.选项:a、adequate b、effective c、efficient d、sufficient
10 The environmentalists and wild goats’ ______ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.选项:a、escape b、absence c、attendance d、appearance
11 The ______ of ice sold increases sharply in the summer months.a、account b、amount c、count d、number
12 The girl was so ______ after the dog died that she refused to speak for a week.
a、rude b、shocked c、miserable d、pitiful
13 Mary said that she could not ______ a new dress on her small salary.选项:a、spend b、afford c、spare d、save
14 The book shelves were full and there were ______ of books all over the floor.选项:a、piles b、series c、brands d、sets
15 If you want to stay longer in the country,you should ______ your visa.选项:a、expand b、respond c、extend d、increase
16 It is certain that he will ______ his business to his son when he gets old.选项:a、take over b、think over c、hand over d、go over
17 Now that she is out of job,Lucy ______ going back to school,but she hasn’t decided yet.选项:a、had considered b、has been considering c、considered d、is going to consider
18 George Orwell,______ was Eric Arthur,wrote many political novels and essays.选项:a、the real name b、what his real name c、his real name d、whose real name
19 A modern city has been set up in ______ was a wasteland ten years ago.选项:a、what b、which c、that d、where
20 Light is different from sound ______ the way it travels.选项:a、by b、on c、in d、with
1 b、bothered
2 b、constantly
3 c、engage
4 d、about
5 d、bring …buying
6 b、having collected
7 a、reach
8 d、challenges
9 c、efficient
10 d、appearance
11 b、amount
12 c、miserable
13 b、afford
14 a、piles
15 c、extend
16 c、hand over
17 b、has been considering
18 d、whose real name
19 b、which
20 a、by