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learn to smile
Guess!What is the longest word in english?It’s ‘smiles’!yet which is arguably the most widely understood language?Again.it’s the smile!Smile is magic.no matter where you come from,russia or austrulia.china or brazil.canada or south africa,you can make youself understood with a smile on your face.
However,in reality,it is impossible to keep smiling all the time.Life is not as smooth as a peaceful lake.And we may easily get upset with something unpleasant.for instance,you lose in a competition for which you have made great effort:or another time,you misunderstand your friend and break the long-time friendship,and later find it impossible to regain it.Whatever it may be:not being successful ,making mistakes ,and so on.,it may make us feel had.Then what shall we do just sinking in unhappiness?Why not learn to smile?
Yes,learn to smile to yourself.Like a lamp.smile can surprisingly lighten up the darkness deep in your heart and bring back what you lose,confidence,courage,persistence,and perhaps passion.Sometimes,the greatest enemy is yourself rather than anyone else; that is to say,sometimes,you are beaten by yourself.Learn to smile to youself,and you can can come over yourself .even when everything goes on well.we also need to learn to smile .everyone should smile to oneself to oneself in a mirror every morning whern gets up.And then comes a wonderful day.Not one hundred percent agree?Please have try!
Life is a big container.Come over yourself is far from enough.We have to get along with others.perhaps on every occasion.But there come problems.How to get along with others?What should we do and what should not?

“人平易近”是什么意思啊?老是看见人平易近什么的、我也不知道具体什么意思?像人平易近委员会、人平易  2020-04-25 …

英语翻译学会对自己微笑微笑可以是你自信微笑可以使你战胜自己学会对他人微笑微笑使人与人更亲近微笑是一种  2020-11-04 …

走近书籍,我们丰富了知识,受到精神上的熏陶;走近自然,我们学会了平等,受到思想上的启迪;走近生活,我  2020-11-25 …

如果你是星星,你会希望你的他/她是月亮还是太阳?是希望他/她象月亮一样平易近人,感觉接近的时候很贴心  2020-11-25 …

英语翻译学会对自己微笑微笑可以是你自信微笑可以使你战胜自己学会对他人微笑微笑使人与人更亲近微笑是一种  2020-11-28 …

走近自然,我们学会了平等,受到了灵魂上的洗礼;走近生活,我们收获了感动,受到心灵上的震撼;走近小说,  2020-12-03 …

仿句只要珍惜自己,坦然接受自己,你会惊喜发现平凡的你也会有自己美丽的风景.只要爱护自己,平静看待只要  2020-12-21 …

在古代社会,自然是人类的主宰,人们把自然神化,对自然顶礼膜拜。近代以来,随着科学技术的进步和工业革命  2020-12-23 …

下面哪一项不是现代传感器的应用()。A.当你走近自动门时,门会自动打开B.电梯的两门靠拢接触到人体时  2021-01-16 …

下面那一项不是现代传感器的应用()A.当你走近自动门时,门会自动打开B.电梯的两门靠拢接触到人体时,  2021-01-16 …