早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Can you help me now,my dearfriend?I have aproblem.My14-year-old daughter,Kate,is in Grade 8.Every(A.weekday B.afyernoon C.morning D.weekend)we get into homework battles.Three afternoons a week,she has activities after school and by the time she(A.leave B.get to C.arrive D.leave for)home,homework is the last thing she feeis like doing.
(A.Another B.Other C.The other D.Other)two days,she gets home early,(A.but B.so C.and D.because)she thinks she should have(A.somethings B.some time C.sometimes D.some times)to watch TV and play first.When Kite at last sits down to do her homework,she just wants me there to help her all the time.I do not want to do that.I think she should be able to do it(A.on her own B.easily C.finally D.for us).What is more,most of the time,I have many other things to do.I just feel that children these days have much(A.less B.fewer C.most D.more)homework than we did when we were young,and it is to hard for them.
As you can see,I am really worries about homework and I really do not know(A.how B.where C.who D.what)I should do.Do you have any ideas?
这是试卷上出现的阅读题,尽量每一个单词都翻译到,尤其是by the time那样的词组.还要依次选一下括号里的 .
亲爱的朋友,你能帮我吗?我有一个问题.我14岁的女儿凯蒂今年上8年级,每到周末,我们就陷入了与家庭作业的挣扎之中.【(D依据后面她周内的5天,每天下午放学都有事要做,所以选周末)】一周中有3天,她下午放学都活动,直到她到家,【(C 看题目是她从放学一直玩到回家 by the time直到...才)作业是她最后才想做的事情.(feel like doing 想做...)】
还有两天,她回家很早,【D】因为她认为她应该有一段看电视和玩的时间.【B somethings一些事 sometimes有时 some times 几次 some time 一段时间】当最后凯蒂坐下来做作业的时候,她只想让我在那一直帮她,可是我不想那样做,我认为她应当能够独自完成它.【A on her own 她自己 不能选B,因为B与be able to意思是重复的】.
而且,【what is more而且】,大多数时间,我还有其它事要做,我就想现在的孩子的作业比我们那时多太多了,并且对他们来说很难.【D】
那么你可以看到,我有多担心我的孩子了(你这里是不是打错了,怎么是担心家庭作业呢,应该是担心孩子吧),我真的很想知道我到底该做些什么,【D 从句中do缺少宾语,选B】,你有什么主意吗?
你要不选我 就太对不起我了...