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1、 现在医学越来越发达,但是医患关系越来越差,医生更多的是在乎钱,而不是治病救人
2、 随着科技的进步人们的生活更加的方便、快捷,出行更加的轻松
3、 法律的存在是非常有必要的饿,达到但是也存在很多的缺陷,希望法律能够更加的完善
4、 现在的大学生综合素质与原来相比更加的差,这是现在社会是生活的现状
5、 随着科技的发展,机器的使用和制作更加趋向与方便,人性化
6、 现在的科技产品层出不穷,个色各样,满足了很多人日常生活的所需
7、 春天是哥让人充满希望的季节,总是让人充满一种蓬勃的力量
8、 微笑可以让我们感到幸福,它就仿佛拥有魔力,让整个人都变得有亲和力
9、 我们的内心都是希望得到父母的爱护和关怀的,严厉的惩罚不会让我们感到幸福
10、 每一个项目都有人涉及,人们都期待从中研究出对人类有利的一面,但这需要时间和毅力
11、 具有历史沉淀的东西总是那么美好,时间越久越发现其中的美丽之处
12、 遇到事情要想到各种各样的解决方法,并且从中选择最好的方案
1, now medicine is more and more developed, but the doctor-patient relationship is becoming worse, doctors are more care about the money, instead of saving lives
2, with the progress of science and technology, people's life more convenient and quick, travel more easily
3, the existence of law is necessary hungry, but there are also many defects, hope can more perfect law
4, now of the college students' comprehensive quality and original compared to the more bad, this is now the society is the present situation of life
5, with the development of science and technology, the use of machines and production more incline to and convenient, humanization
6, now science and technology product emerge in endlessly, a kinds of color, to meet the needs of daily life. Many people
7, brother spring is a hopeful season, always let a person full of a vibrant force
8, smile can make us feel happy, it seems to have magic, let all become have affinity
9, our hearts are all hope to get parents' love and care, severe punishment, won't make us happy
10, somebody involved in every project, people are looking forward to get the research on human beneficial, but it takes time and perseverance
11, things are always so beautiful with historical precipitation, the longer the more find the beauty
12, meet things to think of all kinds of solution, and choose the best solution